Interlude 2

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The plain stretched out endlessly beneath his feet, carved of midnight rock inlaid with malign purple bursts. He took a first, hesitant step and staggered as the invisible shockwave hit him. The ripple echoed across the fabric of time and exploded into his head with shocking force.


She can't die!

He pressed his hands to his temples and sank to the cold, hard ground as the pressure threatened to overwhelm him. A thin line of blood dripped from his nose and he spat, the saliva tinged red as his gums bled. White lights burst behind his eyes and his vision blackened at the edges. Breathing was difficult, each burst forced and rasping.

Then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the mental assault was over. He staggered to his feet and began running as fast as his weakened frame would allow. The plain seemed never ending and he slowly began to despair as the miles rushed by, each step faltering and slowing.

Then a black shape loomed on the horizon and he shouted in desperation, flooded with a fresh surge of energy. The details of his destination slowly became clearer as he closed the remaining distance.

More akin to a broken shard of midnight than a structure, the tower was all spiked turrets and harsh metal pinions. A portal fashioned in the shape of a fanged maw provided entry, identifiable by the crimson light spilling out from the interior. A hulking, humanoid beast with coal black skin and the head of a canine stood guard before the door and held a limp figure in his hand

As the runner closed the distance he shot out his arm and shouted a wordless cry.


The beast turned to face him and a stream of guttural syllables fell like barbs of pure wickedness from between its iron tusks.

The soul husk demands tribute!

Stand aside!

Not her!

The beast growled, a low, ominous sound, and took a thunderous step forwards. Despite its immense size and mass, he stood his ground. He had faced far worse horrors to get here and refused to be undone by a mere keeper.

You have no claim on her!

Actually daemon...I do

Speak then worm!

He was silent for several long moments, running his eyes over her limp form; her storm grey eyes and her long, raven hair. Finally, he lifted his gaze and stared deep into the glowing red orbs of the beast before him.

I'm her brother

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