Chapter 20: Drive Back the Darkness

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Sophia was secretly glad when she stepped through the revolving doors into the controlled pandemonium of a hospital lobby. The reason she was here was nothing to be glad about, of course, but it got her out of the snow; now spiralling thick and fast beyond the coloured glass. Heads turned as she strode confidently across the lobby, her boots thudding hollowly on the tiled floor. She knew she stood out, with her spiky electric blue hair, pale skin and black leather outfit, but frankly she couldn't care less.

'I'm here for Abigail Emris,' she told the receptionist, a short, unassuming woman with curly brown hair and thick glasses. 'Room 103b right?'

'Yes,' the woman replied, squinting at her over a large stack of files. 'But how did you-'

But Sophia was already gone, dodging nimbly around large group of nervous-looking children and disappearing through a large set of double doors to the right. Shaking her head in mild bewilderment, the receptionist sat down to her paperwork and tried to push the strange girl with blue hair firmly out of her mind.


Sophia reached room 103b in just under five minutes, but stopped with her hand hovering over the doorknob. Her instincts, honed almost to perfection, told her something wasn't right. Then she felt it with a breathless sensation of cold, almost like someone had dowsed her in icy water. Whatever was beyond that door was sinister, dangerous and growing rapidly.

'Shit!' she hissed, reaching for her phone and pulling up the only number stored on it. The dial tone buzzed insistently in her ear as the presence behind the door slowly became aware of her and reached out questing icy tendrils. He answered on the seventh ring.

'Viktor,' she said frantically, hastily erecting barriers in her mind against the malign force that threatened to overcome her. 'We have a problem'

'What's happening?' Viktor's voice was calm and composed, standing in sharp contrast to the rising panic in Sophia's chest.

'We don't have time for details!' she snapped, forcing the words past the growing tightness constricting her throat. 'Just get here now!'

The call cut off with a loud click and Sophia turned her attention to the black malevolence covering her like a storm cloud. While her focus had been diverted, it had peeled back her outer defences with the same ease as the layers of a ripe fruit and was now chiselling at the walls standing between it and her mind.

Sophia, however, had earned many hard years of practice against this kind of intrusion and her barriers would not be blown away like a leaf in the wind. The presence sensed this and redoubled its attack, almost as if her resistance angered it. While it was still considerably strong, it was still unsure exactly how much energy it could sustain. Knowing she must deny it this knowledge, Sophia summoned up her reserve of energy and nurtured it into a blazing light. Then it expanded, chasing away the shadows into nothingness and lifting the presence that suffocated her in constricting bands colder than winter snow and stronger than hardened iron.

Thrashing in anger and recoiling from the burning light, the presence retreated slightly; coiling in on itself like a serpent. Unwilling to relinquish her advantage, Sophia strode into the room with her magic blazing around her. The presence was stronger her, however, a pulsing black void that fought with the madness of a cornered animal and a malevolent intelligence. The darkness pooled so thickly around the figure floating eerily several feet above the bed that even Sophia's blistering attack faltered. Swearing explosively in several languages, she stumbled and her defences failed her. Writhing in grotesque triumph, the darkness wrapped its talons tightly around her and began to ravage her exposed mind. A flood of thoughts, some common, some private, all highly damaging if exposed, drained from her like water from a sieve. Knowing she was powerless to stop it, Sophia was overcome by a wave of despair and cried out wordlessly.

Then a second light entered the room, burning with all the fury and intensity of a newborn sun. The darkness was forced back again but, with nowhere left to go, it spasmed violently, folded in on itself and disappeared with a piercing shriek. Suddenly able to breathe and think normally, Sophia gasped in a lungful of air and looked up gratefully.

Viktor stood upright in the centre of the room, dominating the space through sheer force of presence. The remnants of his magical assault danced on the air, sparkling briefly before fading into nothing. Everything about him spoke of a warrior, from his deeply tanned and heavily muscled skin to the scars carving deep lines into his otherwise flawless face. He looked down at Sophia, his violet eyes aflame with power.

 'Are you alright?' His voice was deep and commanding, yet there was an element of kindness in it that Sophia, however selfish it may be, thought was reserved solely for her.

'I've been better,' she admitted, briefly attempting to stand before giving it up as a vain effort and sinking back onto her knees. Viktor approached her and touched her forehead, still hot from exertion, gently with his fingertips. His intent was as clear as if he had spoken aloud. 'No! Don't-'

It was already too late. There was a brief flash of blindingly white light, a strange floating sensation and then...nothing.

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