Chapter 9: Gateway

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"After that I travelled," Daniel said, staring vacantly into the embers of the fire. "Searching for something to replace the despair"

"When did you come back here?"

"It was...let me think..." Daniel lifted his gaze, as if the answer were written on the ceiling timbers. "1904"

"1904," Abigail repeated. "How old does that make you?"

"I have lived for eight hundred years," Daniel stated flatly. "And I feel the weight of every single one of them"

He stood up and snuffed the fire by clenching his fist. The room was plunged into shadow and Daniel disappeared. Abigail was left in the darkness for several long seconds; tensing when she heard a horribly familiar scratching sound.

Then Daniel reappeared, standing in the ghostly beam of moonlight filtering in through the circular window set close to the ceiling. At his side was the black wolf.

"Abigail," Daniel said. "This is Saecar"

The air around the wolf shimmered and rippled; hiding it from view. When the air cleared it was gone. In its place stood a man clad loosely in shirt and trousers. Saecar turned to face Abigail, coal-black eyes glinting under a mass of wild grey hair. Standing at least six feet tall and bound in steel-cord muscle, Saecar towered over them both by a least a head. When he spoke, it was in a thickly-accented, gruff voice that reminded Abigail of the woodsmen she had seen during her infrequent family trips into the highlands.

"This the lass?"

"Yes," Daniel replied. "Her name's Abigail"

"I am here, you know," Abigail broke in.

"That wee spectacle in the theatre certainly got folks talking," Saecar said with a grim smile.

Daniel shot Saecar a warning look and he quickly changed tack.

"Sorry for scaring you back there lass"

"It's alright," Abigail said, forcing a smile. "I was that jumpy a mouse would have scared me"

"My apology is given anyway," Saecar said. He flashed her a grin and she was struck by how sharp his teeth were.

'Does that really surprise you?' The voice at the back of her mind mocked. 'He was a wolf less than five minutes ago and his teeth surprise you'

'Oh shut up for once,' Abigail retorted.

"I'm going to leave you and your lass to it," Saecar said, turning back to Daniel. "I have some...things to sort out"

"It's alright," Daniel replied. "I have something to show Abigail anyway"

Saecar stopped at the door and turned to face them. He opened his mouth to say something, but a curt nod from Daniel stopped him short.

"Aye," he said, quickly disappearing.

Daniel led Abigail back through the main hall, which seemed less oppressive in the candlelight. She also noticed something new; a heavy-looking door hidden in the shadows beside the staircase. It looked like it had been deliberately placed out of sight, which only served to arouse her curiosity further.

"What's behind the door?" Abigail asked, trying to keep her tone neutral so she didn't betray her rising interest.

"What door?" Daniel stopped abruptly and turned to face her.

He followed her gaze and she thought she could see a dark shadow cross his face.

"Nothing," he replied shortly.

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