Chapter 12: Training

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‘Excuse me?’ Abigail asked in disbelief, hastily backing away.

Aelion advanced with a vacant expression on his face, his sword held tightly in one hand. She felt her back connect with the cold stone of the fireplace and knew that, once again, there was nowhere to run. The lethal point of the sword brushed her shirt and she looked straight into Aelion’s eyes; his intent hidden in their wintery depths. Then, without warning, he dropped the sword, his face cracking into a broad grin.

‘Oh gods, too funny!’ he roared, bent over with laughter.

Abigail stepped forward, her earlier fear fading, and waited until Aelion straightened up. When he did, she slapped him hard across the face. The impact stung her hand, but the resultant red mark on his otherwise flawless face made up for the pain.

‘That wasn’t funny!’ she snapped, her anger tempered with a burning sense of shame.

Aelion looked silently back at her, aware that he had dented her pride.

‘I apologise,’ he said, reaching a hand towards her.

‘Oh, save it,’ Abigail ordered, knocking the hand away and storming past him. She had almost reached the front door when his voice stopped her.

“If you wish to take your anger out on something, at least let me tell why I am really here”

She turned to face him as he walked towards her, caught despite herself.

‘Go on then’

‘I’m here to train you’


Abigail hit the ground for what felt like the millionth time that day as Aelion beat her down. Her whole body felt bruised and a stabbing pain spread up her arm as her full body weight landed squarely on it. She rolled onto her back and lay gazing up at the slowly darkening sky for several long minutes as the last vestiges of strength deserted her. Her breath came in sharp gasps that materialised as transient white clouds in the chill winter air.

‘You must focus, my dear’

Abigail rolled to her feet as Aelion approached her; his arms extended in front of him in a position that allowed him to punch and block with equal ease. She assumed the same stance, taking his next punch high on her left arm and countering with a low blow to the chest that he barely managed to avoid. He danced backwards on the balls of his feet, giving her a short respite that she gratefully took; sucking in great gasps of air to ease her burning muscles.

The break ended abruptly when she stepped forward to deliver a hooking blow to Aelion’s temple. His right foot betrayed him as he moved to block; sliding over a patch of wet grass and unbalancing him. Capitalising on her advantage, Abigail tackled him to the ground and pinned his arm with her knee. Her victory was short-lived, however, as Aelion thrust his chest forwards to throw her off. She regained her footing quicker this time, watching Aelion warily as they began to circle each other.

‘As I said, my dear,’ Aelion said warmly, as though the whole session was little more than a friendly conversation. ‘Never assume victory until your opponent submits’

‘Or until I kill him’ Abigail replied dryly.

‘True,’ Aelion agreed, inclining his head with a small smile.

‘I also remember something else you told me’


Abigail nodded and waited until their uneasy truce was broken. Aelion moved after several long moments, springing forwards with a grace that reminded her of a wildcat. She sidestepped at the last second, bringing her fist around in a brutal arc that connected hard with Aelion’s jaw. He dropped to the ground and she was atop him instantly, her arms on his wrists and her knee pressing down hard on his throat.

‘Submit?’ she asked coldly.

Aelion nodded and she released the pressure, standing up as the last of the sunlight dipped beneath the horizon. Aelion stood slowly; his face flushed bright red from the lack of oxygen. They shared a mutual nod of respect and stood in silence for several minutes.

‘So what was it you remembered?’ Aelion asked, breaking the silence that had descended.

Abigail turned to face him and allowed herself a smile at her victory; as insignificant as it may be.

‘Assess your enemy and do whatever is necessary to bring him down’


The ultra-modern bathroom had been an easy find and a pleasant surprise after the almost medieval state of the rest of the house. After a long shower under a million jets of water, Abigail stood in front of the door-mounted mirror and counted at least twenty bruises on her body. At least her face had been spared the damage done to her arm; where her skin was puffy and coloured purple. It hurt to touch, so Abigail occupied herself searching for something to relieve the pain. The blister pack of painkillers under the sink provided the answer, although the sheer amount stored there made her think.

Just how many does one person need?

The sudden knock at the door startled her and she jumped, frantically grabbing her scattered clothes and pulling them on. Taking a deep breath and decided she looked at least moderately presentable, Abigail opened the door. Aelion stood there clad in nothing but a towel wrapped loosely around his waist. Words escaped her as she took in the sheer physical perfection of his chest; each muscle hardened and sculpted as though by a master artist. He coughed softly and she felt her cheeks flush red as she realised she had been staring.

‘Did you want something?’

‘Apart from a shower?’ Aelion smiled.

A dull roar reached her ears just as he opened his mouth and the answer suddenly came to her with shocking clarity.

‘He’s home’


Alright, I suppose I better start with an apology…but, in my defence, exams=revision and revision=less free time.

Still…if I ever keep you waiting for that long again feel free to lynch me…no…seriously…feel free.

Anyway, enjoy the story and expect plenty of tension in the next couple of chapters…SPOILERS! <_<

Enjoy the story ^.^


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