Chapter 2: Visions of the Past

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I'm back again and with another chapter! Enjoy!
Warning: It is going to get tense!

The next day Hera and Kanan were the first ones up. They were discussing about the mission that they got from Fulcrum in the cockpit. When the plan was discussed, Hera wanted to tell Kanan about what happened last night. "Kanan," Hera said quietly. He looked up from the pad and turned his attention to Hera, "yeah". Hera put the Ghost on auto pilot and turned to Kanan. She looked at him and said, "I think you should talk to Ezra".

Kanan gave Hera a confused look, "Is there something wrong with him?". Hera rolled her eyes to his obliviousness, "Last night I found him in the phantom. Love, I think he's having nightmares". Kanan had a blank expression and nodded, "I'll talk to him after we go over the mission with everyone". Hera smiled and was kinda shocked that he didn't argue with her. She turned back continuing to fly the Ghost.


The whole crew met up in the common room and were going to go over the plan. "Alright," Kanan started, "there is this planet that has valuable information on it. So far, none of the rebel cells have came back". "What's so valuable about this information that could possibly make us never return?" Sabine asked questionably. Chopper, Zeb and Ezra looked at Kanan for an answer. "Well, you might not believe me if I tell you," Kanan said smirking. "Try us," Zeb said board out of his mind. "There have been stories told that the empire has stopped taking over the place". Everyone except Hera and Kanan were shocked at what he told them. "So, basically they ran away from that place? Why would they just stop controlling a planet? Are they afraid of something on there?" Sabine kept on rattling on question after question. "Sabine, we don't know!" Hera explained sternly and Sabine stopped rambling,"We told you everything we know".

The whole room went silent. Until Ezra spoke up, "so, what are we going to do?". Chopper made a few beeping noises and left the room. Sabine put her helmet on and said, "it's risky, but since when do we not take risks". "I agree with that," Kanan said stroking his beard and glanced at Hera. "Does that mean, yes?" Hera asked. Ezra and Sabine shook there heads yes. They all looked over at Zeb. He let out a sigh and grumbled, "alright, I'm in to". Even though  he was looking forward to smashing bucketheads and making fun of there aim.

"Alright crew, prep for the mission," Hera commanded, "we will be there in a couple of hours so rest up". Zeb left to go take a nap and Sabine went to go paint in her room. Ezra was about to leave when a gentle and firm hand rested on his shoulder. He didn't need to turn around to know who's hand it was. "We need to talk," Kanan said in a stern yet gentle voice. "Why?" Ezra asked innocently thinking that he was in trouble. "Hera told me that something was bothering you," Kanan said. But before Ezra replied, Kanan gave him a look and immediately he shut his mouth. Both of them went to Kanan's room so they wouldn't be disturbed. Ezra sat down on the edge of the bed, while Kanan stood there watching him like a hawk. The air was tense for both master and padawan. Finally, Kanan had the guts to speak, "what's wrong Ezra?". Ezra stiffened a little, finding the floor interesting. Kanan let out an agitated sigh and knelt down to the same level as the child. "It's better if you tell someone and get that weight off of your shoulders," Kanan said gently. His padawan was stubborn but there was always a way to get him to talk. That is if he trusted the person. Ezra turned his head up, "can I show you instead.....It's hard to explain". Kanan was confused but agreed anyway. They both sat down on the ground and started to mediate.

Ezra and Kanan opened there eyes. It was night time and everything was silent and peaceful. They were in a huge dark room with a balcony and toys spread across the floor. There was a bed that Kanan though was the biggest one he's ever seen. In the bed was a sleeping child but it was hard to tell cause it was dark. The doors to the child's room opened pouring light into the dark room. The light made it easier to see the child better.  The child was a girl with long, dark, red hair and was no more than five or six years old. Then a man with brown facial hair and light, crystal blue eyes, holding a sword came into the room. He was followed by a woman with long flowing light, red hair and dark brown eyes. The man stood at the door and the woman ran over to the child. She scooped the little girl in her arms with a worried expression that melted into relief.

The girl woke up rubbing her eyes with a confused look, "mommy, daddy? what's going on?". The adults gave each other a quick glance. "Don't worry sweetie, everything ok," the woman cooed. But you could tell she and the man were afraid of something. The girl bought the 'calm' act and nodded yawning. The woman smiled and whispered into the girls ear making her smile. "Come on, Mary," the man said sternly, "get our daughter and lets move!". She nodded and carried the child to the door.

Ezra and Kanan followed the small family running down the long hall. They arrived at a humongous room that could be used for special occasions. The family was running all the way to the other side of the room to two large doors. But they didn't reach the doors when something blocked them. Kanan couldn't believe it but thought that the thing standing in front of the door was scarier than the Inquisitor. It's whole body was a dark, shadowy aurora in the form of a human and had big crimson, snake eyes. It stood there and showed a psychotic grin with a huge mouth showing razor sharp teeth. What was that thing?! Kanan looked over at Ezra. He seemed a little more calm than him. Then Ezra did something unexpected, he turned around closing his eyes shut and put his hands on his ears. It was like Ezra didn't want to see or hear what was going to happen next. But why? Kanan turned his attention back to what was happening now. This time the woman, Mary and the man were backed up against the wall surrounded by more of those things. Wait, where did the girl go?! Kanan scanned the room and found the child hidden behind some metal armor. She poked her head out from behind the armor to see what was going on.

A flash of light came out of nowhere and the woman's appearance changed. Her hair and skin were now white, she also had white dragon like wings and a long black tail. Her eyes changed into white snake like eyes and had claws and sharpe teeth.

The shadowy creatures were now smiling and laughing for some reason. 'At least they have a sense of humor,' Kanan though, 'but something tells me it's not in a good way'. The man didn't look comfortable with the change in the creatures reaction. "Mary," the man said tense, without turning his attention away from the weird creatures. "Yes, Nathan?" Mary said in a low voice and not turning her attention away either. "Get Melody out of here," the man, Nathan commanded raising his sword higher ready to attack. Mary's facial expression changed into sorrow and guilt, but she did it anyways. She ran over to the girl and picked her up.

Mary looked over with tears in her eyes and quickly said, "I love you". Nathan turned his head and smiled sadly replying with, "I love you too". Melody looked confused trying to put the pieces together but nothing fit as to what was going on. Kanan took another quick glance to see how Ezra was doing. He was still in the same position but Kanan could tell that it was scaring him. He could feel it with there bond. Ezra's veil of hair blocked his face so Kanan wasn't able to see his expression. He turned his head back to the scene and kept watching. Mary spread her wings and flew up to a window. That's when the creatures stopped smiling and laughing getting really mad at them. They started to growl and long black claws came out of there finger tips. Mary used her tail and whipped at the window making it shatter. Melody kept on watching with wide crystal blue eyes. She looked down and watched the horrifying scene beneath her. One of the shadow things moved over to Nathan in the blink of an eye grinning maniacally. Then it swallowed the man up whole with one bit while Mary flew out of the window with a traumatized girl in her arms. Kanan stood there in shock and didn't know what to say. 'Is this what Ezra was dreaming about,' he thought, 'poor kid has already been through enough as is'. Speaking of the kid, Kanan turned his full attention back to Ezra and saw no one there. Frantically, he looked around while hearing load laughter of the shadow creatures bounce off of the walls.

Kanan spotted Ezra hiding behind a chair that could taller than Zeb. He ran over and saw Ezra in a fetal position with a scared expression on his face. Kanan knelt down next to Ezra and rubbed his back. Ezra jumped at the touch then calm down knowing that it was Kanan. "Are you ok?" Kanan asked worried about his padawan. Ezra took a deep breath and said, "it's not over". Then they both got teleported to a different spot. When they both were there Kanan went wide eyed at what he saw all around him. It was.....


CLIFFY!! MUHAHAHA!! I'm so bad! See ya next time. I'm out of here! Adios!😁😁😁

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