Chapter 5: Legend

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OM G.O.S.H!! I am so sorry for the wait but I'm back and with a new chapter! *clapping and cheering from invisible crowd* Enjoy the new chapter! Warning: chapter it really long


The crew finally reached the gates of the castle. There were two large, oddly shaped boulders covered in vines on the sides of the gates. Curiosity consumed Sabine and she started to walk towards the gates. She didn't notice a loose vine and tripped over it. After catching her balance, the ground started to shake. The vines on the giant rocks were breaking apart and the rocks were transforming into something else. Sabine ran back to the rest of the group and watched the transformation. Ezra reached for his light saber, but instead of the cool metal there was nothing. He saw that it wasn't there. 'I must have lost it when we crashed,' Ezra thought. The other crew members backed up with weapons in there hands ready to attack. The huge rocks stopped forming and now standing up like a person. Both of them had a long rods made out of a special type of grant. (Picture of rock monsters are above)

Pointing there huge rods, one of them spoke, "who dares to come to the castle of lord Ahriman?".

Kanan's P.O.V (cause I can😁)

We all just stared at the rock monsters. "Uh Hera, are you sure this is the place?" I asked Hera. "Pretty sure," she said not taking her eyes off of the giant creatures. "Hey, what do you think you are doing!" A frustrated voice said. We all saw a teenage girl standing on the other side of the gate. " But miss Malorey, these people are invading your fathers land," one of the boulder creatures said defensively. "These," the girl started pointing at us, "are guest, now open the gates and let them in,". "As you wish," both creatures spoke in sync and bowed. They used there hands to grab the doors and pulled them open.

"Come, come, come along," the girl said shoeing use to come in. I put my blaster back into its holster. I got a closer look at the teenager. She had straight dark brown hair that went down to her mid back and light green eyes and pale skin. She wore a long black dress that had no straps. (Picture of dress below).

We followed her threw a garden that seemed to be burned to ash

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We followed her threw a garden that seemed to be burned to ash. "Why is it that this girl is the only one that is sane, yet is giving me the willies?" I heard Zeb whisper to someone. "Garazeb Orrelios, tough guy, fearless rebel, basher of bucketheads," I heard Ezra teasing Zeb, "is afraid of a teenage princess?". Then Zeb growled when we just arrived at another pair of doors to enter the castle. "You two better not be fighting or else your scrubbing the Ghost for a month," Hera said calmly. I smiled when the two stopped fighting and gave a sheepish look.

The girl stopped at the door and turned around, "if I might ask what is this 'Ghost' of yours and who are you, before I let you in," the girl asked with a sly facial expression. 'Huh, werid' I thought. "The Ghost is the ship we live on and I'm Hera and this is Chopper," Hera explained gesturing to her and the grumpy droid. "My name is Kanan and this is Ezra," I said, gesturing to me and my padawan. I think I saw the girl eyeing him. 'Not werid, creepy,' I said in my head. "Zeb," Zeb grumbled with his arms crossed. "I'm Sabine," Sabine said taking her helmet off. The young girl still had that same sly grin on her face, "my name is princess Malorey Xerox but you can call me Mal," and then curtsied. "Oh, and I welcome you to Malum," Mal continued, "guards, open the doors,". The same rock giants opened the huge doors with a long creak. It revealed a gigantic fancy room with pillars on the sides of the walls and four halls. On the other side of the room there were two chairs on top of some stairs. In one of the chairs was a man with green eyes and light red facial hair. He had an angry look and walked over to Mal. "Who are they?" He said not to pleased with our presence. "These are our guest and....," Mal whispered the rest so we couldn't hear. Then the man calmed down and smiled, "welcome to my castle," the man exclaimed, "I'm king Ahriman Xerox of Malum". I already didn't like this guy and I knew this wasn't going to be easy. "Hello your majesty, my name I Kanan and this is my crew," I spoke as calmly as I could. "Would you like anything, anything at all?" Ahriman said. "Actually, we were wondering if me and Kanan wanted to talk to you about something," Hera explained. Ahriman began to stroke his beard, "Alright, I assume in private?". I nodded my head and me and Hera followed the king to a different room.

"You three stay out of trouble while we're gone," Hera said before the door closed behind us.

Ezra's P.O.V

'Trouble?' Kanan, you worry to much,' I snickered at my own though. "I will show you to an area to keep you busy," Mal said and we reluctantly followed her to the room. I stopped and saw what looked like windows, each one with a different image and colors. "Woah," I whispered in astonishment. I turned my attention back to my friends and Mal, but there gone. "Well, that's not good," I said to myself. Then a creak came from down the hall and saw Mal walking out of the room, probably looking for me. Mal saw me and walked over grinning slyly. "If it isn't the bad boy who got himself lost," She spoke in a flirty voice and starting to circle me like She was getting a better look. 'Weird and creepy; didn't know those two words could be one person,' I gulped and took a deep breath. She stopped in front of me and gazed up into my eyes, because I was taller than her. Mal began to smirk while I took a step back. "You were to close for comfort," I nervously said rubbing the back of my head and fake smiling. "I was just going to ask if you wanted to know the legend," Mal spoke innocently with a disappointed pouty face. "Legend?" I questioned, "what legend?". Mal grinned eat to ear, "yes, legend. You were looking at the stained glass windows of Mulam's darkest tale". My eyes widen, "Really? Could you tell me it?" I asked a little excited. "Why, it would be my pleasure," she said, "a long time ago there were people called The Gathers. They were a tribe that always gathers in a circle and do rituals to the spirits. One day a very greedy and selfish man named Cerberus wanted to do a special ritual for him and his people," Mal was going to continue until I interrupted her. "What was the ritual?" I asked. "To bring back the dead," she said. "What?!" I didn't even know what to say after I heard that. "Yes, they wanted to bring back people so they could become more powerful," Mal exclaimed, "anyways, let's see where was i? Oh, and so they attempted to try it out. But, something went wrong and darkness flooded their veins. Turning them into dark and vicious creatures of the night. The one that got the most of it was Cerberus. He and the people roamed the night ever since stealing lives of the innocent. That's the legend". I gave her a look, "you aren't telling me the whole thing; aren't you,". Mal smile seeming impressed, "ooooo, cute and clever. I never thought I'd see that". I raised an eyebrow, "continue then". She glared a little then got over it, "fine," she huffed, "there were seven guardians that protected the jungle. They each had a special power to control a piece of nature. The leader could control each of the powers. The guardians used it to protect and help the jungle from danger. The creatures of the night attacked the good animals of the jungle. A war was started between all things good and evil spreading chaos through out the land. Even, travelers like you and your friends helped. Still, it wasn't enough."

I was taking this all in and wondered what she meant by 'travelers'. Mal continued, "The war ended 10 years later and good won". She made the last part of the sentence sound like that was a bad thing. She still continued, "the leader of the guardians died and the group of six split into three ways. But what the guardians didn't know was that the leader had a five year old child. Some say that the child survived and lives in the jungle. But the tale is a myth". I was taking it all in, "Really?". "Yep, that's the whole story" she dramatically said, "now I got to go, you can go see your friends in that room, Hun". Did she just call me 'Hun'? Shaking my head, I made my way over to the door. I stood in front of the door and wondered why it wouldn't slide open. "Hey Mal, how do you-" I turned and didn't see anyone around.

Sabine's P.O.V

I was reading a book when I heard someone knock at the door. I saw Zeb laid out on a couch, but as I scanned the room there was no Ezra. 'Where is he?' I thought and walked over to the door. My question was answered when a familiar voice spoke on the other side, "Sabine, Zeb could one of you help me open the door, please?". I raised an eyebrow, 'he needs help opening a door?' and stifled back a laugh. My hand landed on the knob of the door and turned it pushing it. There stood the youngest crew member. He was flabbergasted at who knows what then looked embarrassed. "So that's how you open it," he smiled and scratched the back of his head with embarrassment written all over his face. I smiled and widen the door so he could enter. "I can tell you right now it's not hard". Ezra walked over to Zeb and something seemed to catch his eyes on a desk next to the couch. A mischievous grin formed on his face as he grabbed a feather out of a cup. Ezra started to tickle the lasat's nose and I had to hold back a laughing fit for what just happened. Zeb literally smacked himself in the face hard and is still sleeping. I saw Ezra hold back to and did it again but this time sleeping beauty woke up. Not in a good mood.

"Ezra!" Zeb growled and started to chase Ezra down. I rolled my eyes and shook my head watching the two boys bond in there own way. 'They look like brothers," I said in my head smiling. I'm still smiling as Ezra was caught in Zeb's hold getting a noogie. "Stop it Zeb!" Ezra whined and Zeb just kept laughing putting Ezra down. Ezra glared at Zeb before laughing himself and I joined them. We all acted like we were siblings and in some ways we are and always will be.


Stay tuned and I hope you like my new story I will write sometime and..............wait for it ...........................ADIOS!!!!!!!!!😁😁😁

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