Chapter 10: Danger and arguments

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Hey everybody that is reading this! I'm back once again with another chapter!! I felt like this song, Stand by you, goes with the story. Enjoy!


Kanan's P.O.V

"Ezra?" I said worried. There on the floor in his own pool of blood was my padawan. "K-Kanan," Ezra quietly spoke with a hoarseness voice. I ran over and knelt down beside him, "Ezra, what happened?". "The w-white w-w-wind did it," he said, "bye Kanan. I lov-". He didn't get to finish and died in my arms. I couldn't believe it. My padawans dead.

Mal's P.O.V

'Yes, part A of the plan worked. That idiot does know how to perform a great show,' I said in her head peeking inside of the room. I walked back into my room and opened a secret door behind a painting. I walked down the dark and cold stone stairs to a dungeon. "How are all my guest this evening," I said smirking at the rest of the Ghost crew. Somehow, the pink armored girl heard me talking to the Runts and so I had to what was best for them or should I say, me. I locked the ones who know my plan up. "It was betta when you weren't hea," the big purple thing grumbled. I glared and angrily said, "clausa tibi piscis magnus , tu et amici tui mortui antequam cibum perniciosa vicani!". (Translation: shut up you big idiot, before i make you and your friends dead meat to those worthless villagers). They all gave me a confused looks. "What?" The pink armored girl questioned. I turned around and walked away with my arms crossed. "I should stop wasting my breath on them and keep doing my plan," Mal deviously smiled. The runt I asked to make the Jedi guy think came, "great work and on with the plan,". The runt smiled and disappeared into the shadows. "Malorey Xerox!" My father yelled. "Yes," I asked. "How is the plan?" He asked. "Peachy," I replied making him smile. "That's my bad little demon," he said proudly. "Thank you, father" I smiled as he walks away. 'Soon, you will be all mine Ezra,' I said in my head.

Melody's P.O.V

Me and Ezra walked down the dirt road. He told me about what happened from the crash landing to now. "Wow, really? That all happened!" I said amazed. "Yeah," he said smiling. I felt bad about him having to meet Mal and Ahriman and going through the town. I never liked that place one bit since..........that day. "Are you dazing out on me now?" Ezra said making me jump. "Oh, yeah yeah, Sorry," I said trying not to show that I am sad. It didn't work. "Are you ok?" He asked worried. "Never been better," I said fake smiling. He didn't push me any farther and we walked in an awkward silence.

Ezra's P.O.V

There was something wrong with Melody and then I remembered my dream. Is that why she is so sad? Then I remembered her convincing me to go with her and find my friends.


"Hey Ezra," Melody said, "did you need help getting to anywhere?". I shook my head no, "thanks for helping me out but I can go myself". She raised an eyebrow, ", I'll help you get to where your going," she said happily. "No, it's ok," I said and continued, "I get that you saved my life back there but your also the reason I got into this mess".

I think I just ticked her off.

"Excuse me, who was the one that ran after me. Who was the one that got them self lost in the jungle. Who was it that almost got stabbed in the heart by a knife?! Cause surely, none of that was me!" Melody shouted. The outburst surprised me. For a second, I thought I saw Melody's crystal blue eyes change into serpent eyes and back. A second later, Melody realized that she yelled at me for being stubborn.

Melody's face fell in sadness and apologized, "I'm so sorry," and covered her face with her hands. I was confused and snapped out of it, "I should be the one apologizing". "Still, I shouldn't be yelling at you," she added. I feel like a jerk right now and I guess Melody is the only sanest one on this planet. "Melody?" I said. "Yeah?". "Could you help me get back to the village so I can get back to my fam- I mean, friends," I asked nervously. Why am I nervous?

Melody lifted her head out from her hands and smiled, "right this way blueberry head and if you don't mind me asking, where are you from?". We started to walk down the road as I told her the story.

*End of Flashback*

"I never thanked you for helping me get back to my fam-friends," I said quickly catching myself. Darn it, I did it again. "No sweat," Melody muttered. She didn't even notice my mess up and try to make fun of it. Weirdly, I know that she would make fun of me for messing something up.

I stepped in front of her and she stopped. Melody's head was down so I couldn't see her expression. "Ok, what's wrong?" I asked.  Melody didn't stop looking at the ground, "nothing". I stifled back a giggle because that is exactly what I would say. Then turned serious, "Melody, what's wrong," I said sternly. Melody began to speak, "you heard the legend from Mal. Didn't you?". Everything began to puzzle together and made sense but there were still some pieces missing. "Yeah," I answered. What she said next shocked me. "I know that your a Jedi because I sent you that memory to you," Melody explained. I went wide eyed, "What, how and why?!" I asked shocked and angry.

Melody flinched a little, "I don't know how but I do know why". "Then why, why would you send me those horrible memories! They gave me nightmares for a whole week and I hardly got any sleep!" I yelled. I know it's not the Jedi way to get mad but right now I don't even have the slightest connection with the force. All because of this stupid planet! Melody lifted her head and her eyes were all misty, "it was a warning to protect you and your crew". She walked around me leaving me there stunned. Now I feel more than a jerk, I feel like an idiot. "Are you coming or not," Melody said with no emotion. I was even more shocked. A second ago, I was being a huge idiot to her and she still is helping me?! That thought made me feel more worse than before but I followed her and stayed quiet.


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