Chapter 11: Forgiveness, hunting and answers

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Hey, gots a new chapter for yall! I wrote the song that is in this story. I hope you like it and enjoy!!!!


Ezra's P.O.V

It was getting late, so we stopped at a spot and built a fire. I was still made at myself for yelling at my new friend. Wait, no! She can't be my friend, I hardly know her but...," I shook my head from that though. I laid against a tree and tried to go to sleep. About ten minutes past and I still felt wide awake. Probably because I don't want to go through another night getting chased down by murderous creatures, people and dead people. Then I hear someone singing.

"Roses are red..."

"Violets are blue..."

It was soothing and I kept listening.

"When you say you love me..."

"Is it really true..."

I angled myself to see Melody in a sitting on a log singing.

"The pressure is building....In the air...letting the fire buuurrrrrnnnn.......there's a pounding in my head......tell me if it hurts"

"Shining bright up in the night, burning all the blackness in the sky, is all the stars in your eyes........fear that used to show will now and forever be unknown to us both"

"Stay here by my side, until we feel the love, until we feel the light.....till the end of time"

I began to clap which made her jump in the process. "How long were you listening," Melody said looking at her lap. "The whole time," I responded. She huffed still not looking at me and it kind of hurt. I stood up and walked over sitting on the log next to her. Her head was turned the other way. "Melody I'm sor-". "If you say sorry one more time," Melody interrupted and now facing me mad, "then tell me turthfully, are you sorry". I put my arm up and a hand on my chest, "I, Ezra Bridger, was a huge jerk and shouldn't be forgiven for the way I acted but..". I looked her straight in the eye, "am truly sorry for what I did". She smiled and ruffled my hair, "that's the blueberry head we all know and love". "I liked the song," I said. She gave me a sad smile, "my mom used to sing it to me when I was little". I  smiled and went back to my spot going to sleep. "Thank you, Ezra," Melody whispered. My smile spread again and I fell asleep.

Mal's P.O.V

I turned around to my minions, the runts. "Go and do a little hunting for the White Wind but bring me back Ezra alive," I ordered with a wicked smile on my face. The runts nodded and left into the shadows.

Third person's P.O.V

Melody quickly got up and scanned the area. Something was coming and she didn't like it already. She went over and violently shook Ezra awake. Ezra grumbled, "five more minutes," then went back to sleep. Melody didn't have time for this so she thought of the first thing that came to mind. She gave him a wet willy. Ezra shots up and wiped his ear, "what was that for?!" He said angrily. "We need to go now!" Melody whisper yelled. "Was that still necessary giving me whatever that was?!" He pouted. She began to drag Ezra and urged him to run. Luckily, he began to run. Melody glanced behind her shoulder and saw two runts chasing them. Ezra did the same and started to worry. "What's the plan?" Ezra asked a little panicked. A smirk formed on Melody's face, "hey, runts!" She yelled getting the shadow creatures attention. "Lets play a friendly game of cat and mouse," Melody yelled and stopped running," I'm the cat....". Ezra immediately stopped and turned around. A white ball of energy formed in her hands and continued, "and your the mouse". Then a beam of light shot out hitting one of the runts dissolving it in thin air. The other runt disappeared into the shadows. Ezra came over and was about to say something but Melody interrupted again. "Let me guess, you want to know what is going on," she said slyly, "don't chya'". He shut his mouth and nodded. "Hold that thought because that runt didn't run away. It's hiding in the shadows" Melody warned. They both stayed alert of there surrounding.

A huge black hand came out of nowhere and was going to grab Ezra. Melody was ready and dug her now sharpe razor teeth into the hand. The hand retracted back into the darkness of the jungle. Melody's teeth went back to normal and turned to Ezra. "Are you ok?" She asked with a worried tone. He let out a sigh of relief and guilt. Relief, cause he didn't get grabbed and guilt, for being useless and helpless. He hated to feel that way. Ezra finally answered with a "yeah, I'm fine".

"You don't sound like it," Melody said and let out a sigh, "you know what, I'll let it slide just this once". Ezra felt a pang in his heart remembering Hera saying that to him. He took a deep breath in and out, praying that the crew was alright. "Come on blueberry head, before I begin calling you slow poke," Melody teased. Ezra fake smiled and followed as the sun crawls out of the horizon.

Ezra's P.O.V

"Can you explain to me what happened now?" I asked curiosity flowing from me. I had so many unanswered questions that I felt so ignorant now it's time to know the truth. "Those shadow creatures are called et ceciderunt or 'the fallen'. For short we call them runts," Melody explained. "What was that white beam thing?" I questioned. "Well in your 'nightmare', you saw my mother turn into what we call Ventus Inter Aquilonem et albi or-". "White wind," I said finishing her sentence. "Yeah, do you you know Latin?" She asked surprised. I was confused, "what's Latin, I just guessed,". "Latin is our other language on this planet,"she explained," and you know the legend, so any other questions?". I thought about it and said, "do you know Mal and Ahriman?". Melody froze at the question, "y-yeah," she stuttered nervously. Now i was suspicious, "Melody, what it it?". Worry was spreading through me. Why was she so nervous? Are my friends ok? Is there something darker that I don't know about? "Melody?" I asked again. I was nerve racking thought if someone or anything hurt my family. Yes, I admit it, they are my crew, friends but mostly family.

"Ezra," Melody started, " Mal and Ahriman are my cousin and uncle". My mind was blown away. "And if I know them, I know that your family is in danger," she said seriously with worry mixed in. I wasn't going to protest about her saying they were my family. All I thought was needing to get back to them and get out of here. "Then we need to get there fast," I said quickly. Melody smirked and her teeth went sharpe and eyes were dragon's eyes again. She had an idea. "This isn't going to be good," I told myself. "For me, it is but you, not so much," she said.

A bright light blinded me and went away a second later. There stood the 'urban' legend, the White Wind. Her big white wings began to flap and her feet went off of the ground. "Ready?" Melody asked. I put my arms up, "as I'll ever be,". "There's the sugar," she exclaimed picking me up. "Why are you saying that?!" I shouted, hanging on for dear life. Again, she smirked, "cause this is going to be sweet". We took off and I saw the shadow of the castle up ahead.


Stay tuned and adios!! 😁 😁 😁

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