Chapter 13: Saving not Friends, Family part 2 the final showdown

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Hey guys! It's me and with the final chapter!! Yes sadly, it had to come but I will let you decide if I should make a sequel or not. Enjoy the last chapter of Malum!!!


Melody's P.O.V

I watched Mal lay there on the floor. "It's time for you to be locked away," I said bringing out an old seal. I could not kill Mal because being the White Wind, I can't kill people. The other reason was that she controls the dark things to keep everything from falling apart. I sucked Mal into the seal and went to find my uncle. He was the last one of the controllers of darkness as well. "Hello my sweet, good for nothing, nephew," my uncle spoke from down the hall. I'm ready to bring you and your army of runts down Ahriman!" I yelled. He smiled and we started to fight with the whole area filled with runts. "Once I release Mal then me and my army will take down this planet and use that ship to fly all over". I glared and we continued the fight of life and death itself.

Ezra's P.O.V

I knew that something was controlling my master. I just didn't know how to stop it from hypnotizing him. I saw from the side of my eye, Chopper using a torch and burning a hole in the cage. We kept clashing lightsabers until I heard someone come down the steps. 'This could mean someone really good or really bad,' I thought. I wasn't paying attention and Kanan was going to bring down the laser sword and was going to stab me. I looked away and it was brought down but no pain. I turned back and saw a figure in front of me holding Kanan's hands. "Ezra," the person grunted and recognized it as Melody, "get my necklace and suck the runt out of him". I knew it! Quickly, I grabbed it and somehow and light began to suck out a dark shadow out of Kanan. He fell on the ground asleep and exhausted. Melody breathed really hard and fell down too.

That's when I saw it. Blood was staining her clothes. I knelt down and felt like crying. "Melody," I said quietly. The rest of the crew checked on me and Kanan. Melody began to smile and said with a rasped voice, "Man blueberry head, you really need to stop trying to get stabbed all the time". "M-melody, your going to-" "die," she interrupted me. She gave me a smile and said, "thank you for helping me stop Mal and Ahriman, please help these people, and Ezra?". These were her final words, "thank you for being my friend". Melody went limp and the life left her eyes. "No, no, no, Melody don't," I said frantically. A gentle hand laid on my shoulder and I turned around latching on to the one who killed my friend. Kanan, but he was under control of a monster. I silently cried into his shoulder and he rubbed my back saying it's ok.

We left the castle and went to tell the people of Malum that they were free. Hera, Chopper and a villager went back to the ghost to call the rebels. Sabine and Zed led the other villagers into the forest to get something to eat and drink. Kanan and I went to get rid of all the evil for good. We hid the seal in a place where hopefully no one would find it. "I'm proud of you Ezra," Kanan said, "and your friend". I just nodded my head waiting for the rebel cells to arrive.

An hour later, the ships docked in the town having all the villagers pile in the ships. My crew no, family went back to our ship and finally left the planet. I sat in the Phantom and gazed at the stars. "Do you think that they will be ok?" I asked Kanan, who was behind me. "They'll be fine," he said smiling and ruffling my hair. "Dad, stop!" I whined and immediately covered my mouth and said, "sorry". Arms wrapped around me and Kanan's voice cooed into my ear, "it's ok, son". I leaned into the touch and smiled as we went into hyperspace. So, they went and was never going to go back ever again. Or so they thought.....

The End


Thank you everyone that read my book and comment or message me if I should do a sequel!! Adios!!!!!!😁😁😁😁😁

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