Chapter 4: Welcome to Malum

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Hey! I decided to do another chapter and see what you guys think. This is a short chapter. Enjoy!


The crew made it to the village. There was a big log fence surrounding it but there was still an entrance with no logs blocking it. They stood at the entrance and scanned the area. The rebels went wide eyed when they saw the village. Sabine noticed a sign above the gate way. "Malum?" She whispered but was load enough for the others to hear. "That must be what the towns called," Hera stated.   The crew turned there attention back to the village. (The picture above is what it looks like) There was fog roaming the ground and all the building looked like ruins, yet, the people still lived in them. The air seemed to be polluted with heavy black clouds that were floating in the sky, only in the village. Every person was wearing rages and looked like they had some kind of disease. Most of them had a crazed look in there eye. It shocked the group and Ezra started to shake. "Do you feel that?" He asked Kanan, "it's so cold". Kanan knew what he meant, he could feel it to. 'This is not your friendly everyday empire controlled planet,' Kanan thought, 'there is something darker here.

Then he realized something, "Hera, can Chopper signal the other rebels?". "I already tried," Hera answered, "something is blocking the signal, I just don't know what it is". Zeb let out a growl, "Karabast, what is wrong with this planet!". That got a few village people's attention and started to stare at them. Hera glared at Zeb and the people went back to what they were doing while others smiled at them, disappearing into the shadows. 'Can this place get any creepier?' Chopper beeped in his language. "We're about to find out," Kanan said walking forward. One by one the rest of the crew came except Ezra. Kanan noticed Ezra lacking behind them. "Come on Ezra". Ezra didn't say anything and followed with one thought on his mind. 'This looks a lot like the village that was in my dream'.

He tried to keep up with the rest of the crew without lagging. Somehow it worked and caught up with the rest of the crew. All the specters sticked together like glue. Walking through the bone chilling village to there destination. "So, do you know where the information is or are we just taking a nice little stroll through the creepiest place in the galaxy?" Sabine said. "On the other side of this town there should be an exit and if we keep going down the path, that is our destination," Hera explained. "Wonderful, more sight seeing," Zeb muttered obviously unhappy about being here in the first place. Ezra felt the exact same way. He always had a feeling like they were being watched. He kept his head down the whole time, resisting the urge to peek at the surroundings. Kanan put his arms out and made everyone stop in there tracks. Ezra although didn't and bumped into him. All of a sudden, an axe came out of nowhere, nearly hitting Kanan in the process and hit a wall with a small man sitting next to it. The man flinched before getting up and ran away into an ally. Kanan put his arms down, turning around and faced Ezra. "Ezra," Kanan asked, "you doing ok?". Ezra finally turned his head up and nodded fake smiling. Of course he wasn't ok, Kanan was nearly cut in two, literally!

They continued walking until the end of the town showed. Ezra was filled with relief when they reached the edge of town. He could tell everyone else was relieved too. The specters went on through the jungle and saw a castle up ahead. "The informations in there?" Sabine said confused. "Yes," Hera replied without turning her head away from the huge building. The castle was also old looking but strangely, not as bad as the village. So they went on into the unknown, being watched from in the shadows the whole time.


That's it and stay tuned! Adios!😁😁😁

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