Chapter 8: Who are you

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Guess who gots a new chapter.
Ezra: Batman
Me: nope
Kanan: robin
Me: nnnooo
Ezra and Kanan: guacamole
Me: (weird look) what? No! It's me!
Ezra: I would have never guessed.
Kanan: same
Me: (face palms) like master like padawan

This chapter is short but I hope you still like it. Enjoy!


Third Person P.O.V

The knife was thrown.

A pained grunt filled the air.

Blood dripped on the floor.

Yet, Ezra didn't feel any pain or blood dripping down him. He opened his eyes and was shocked to see his savior. It was the cloaked person that got himself into this mess. The person held the knife between two of there fingers. "Hasn't your mom taught you not to throw things around the house, especially knives," the cloaked person teased. 'The person sounds like a girl,' Ezra mentally noted in his head. He noticed she was shorter than him. 'Is that Mal?' Ezra thought. The ghost girl was now furious, "get out of here, White Wind and stay away from my forever friend!". The house shook when she yelled. Ezra lost his balance and landed on the floor. He saw that the chains around his ankles were gone. Standing up, Ezra heard the cloaked girl keep talking, "I wouldn't call throwing knives friendly,". "Well maybe I do," the little girl said crossing her arms, "who else am I going to talk to, I am alone in this house".

Ezra's P.O.V

I kind of felt bad when she said that. "What are you talking about? You don't our little chats when I come over?" My supposed savior told the child. She rolled her eyes and said, "you tease me sometimes and I don't like it. He doesn't and killing him seems like the best option to not stay here alone," she protested. "You do realize that there are people that you succeed in killing are in your basement, right?". I was shocked, I wasn't the only one that walked into this death trap. The young ghost laughed like a maniac. I winced a little and the laughing girl calmed down. "Man, if I were in his shoes, I would throw a chair at the window and jump out of it," the cloaked girl said, emphasizing the last part. I quickly caught on and sneaked past the two and went to find a chair. I walked into the living room and then into the entrance on the other side. I walked into the area and it looked like a dining room. I grabbed a chair and went back to the living room. My eyes landed on the cloaked girl in the other room. I saw her signal me to throw it, but I couldn't leave her behind.

Then, she did something unsuspected. She ran in and chucked the chair at the window. It shattered and before I know what was happening, the girl pushed me towards the window. I jumped out with the girl following and we ran away from the house. I notice that the rain stopped and felt the wet grass soak into my boots. Before I went threw the bars, I glanced back at the house. The window was fixed, like it never shattered and a shadowy figure of the ghost girl, loomed at it. I shivered walking through the bars and saw the mysterious White Wind sitting there, waiting for me. She had her injuries wrapped up in a cloth. "Who are you?" I asked. She stood up and walked towards me until she was a couple of feet in front of me. "Actually, the real question is, who are you?" White Wind said, poking me in the chest. "I asked first," I said. "But you do know me, I'm the White Wind," she said. "No, I want to know your real name and take off the hood," I commanded. "Why do you want to know so badly?," the cloaked girl asked. "So, I can trust you better,". What the girl said next shocked me, "you shouldn't be judging people on how they look, but on how the act!" She yelled.

I felt bad about how I treated to the person who took a knife for me, literally. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said any of that stuff to you,". She calmed down and apologized for yelling at me. It shocked me a little for her to be apologizing to me. "I'm Ezra, Ezra Bridger," I said with a smile. I could tell the girl was smiling to. She took off her hood and I went wide eyed. "My name is....".

Third Person's P.O.V

"Where is that White Wind!," Mal yelled angrily at the shadowy creatures in her room. The shadow creatures found the floor interesting. "You runts can be so useless," Mal said threw clenched teeth, "go and don't disappoint me again". The 'runts' disappeared and she went to go see her guests were doing fine. (But mostly Ezra). She headed over to Ezra's room and opened the door to find it empty. Mal searched the rest of the room, but found not one soul in it.
Her fist and teeth clenched together in rage. Mal's eyes and teeth turned into the same kind that the runts had. (If you didn't know by now, the shadowy creatures are called runts).

On a near by desk was a healthy flower and was soon withered into a dead one. Mal stomped out of the room and muttered, "I will get you White Wind, even if I have to kill every tree in that jungle to get my revenge". She went down the dark hallway and didn't know that she was being watched the whole time.


Stay tuned for next time! Adios! 😁 😁 😁

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