The Reunion pt.6

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I walked down the spiral staircase to where the reunion show was taking place, only to be stopped by fangirls.

"O-M-G IT REALLY IS COURTNEY!" One of the girls shouted in my ear.

"Can we get a picture with you?" A girl who looked like she was about nine or ten asked me. I smiled and nodded. The young girl pulled out a selfie stick and the girls posed with me.

The girls ran off giggling as I made my way to the reunion. When I got there I sat down next to Zoey and Kitty, who was secretly filming Noah and Emma making out. The reunion show's second day began. After what seemed to be decades, Duncan came on.

"So, Duncan, how've you been?" Chris asked.

"Your mom called, McLean. She wants her panties back," he joked. I rolled my eyes at his snarky comment while the audience laughed.

"Funny you mention calling, Duncan. We have a special video message from your dad." Duncan's eyes shrunk at the mention of his father. I drew closer to the edge of my seat.

The monitor came down and showed his dad. "Hi, son," he said. "I have some bad news. Your mom has Brain Cancer." The audience gasped. "The prognosis is definite." Duncan's face turned pale and before the video could end he passed out.

Bridgette, Geoff, DJ and I rushed over to him and to where the stretcher was rolling him off stage.

He woke up after the interviews were over. We were in his room.

"Duncan, you're awake!" I said as his eyes fluttered open. There was a knock on the door and Geoff answered it. Gwen, Trent, Owen and Izzy rushed through the door.

"Dude are you okay?" Asked a concerned Trent.

"I'm fine. I just can't believe she has cancer." I reached over and hugged him.It was a pity hug, of course. I have a boyfriend. A boyfriend who I haven't seen all day. DJ gave Duncan a bowl of chicken noodle soup.

"You need to get your strength up, man. You probably passed out from dehydration and lack of nutrition." Duncan took the soup, thankfully.

"How much sleep have you been getting?" I asked. As a doctor, I should ask these questions to make sure it isn't a little more serious than dehydration.

"Last night I went to bed around 4 am."

"And you woke up when?"

"Like... I don't around 9 am maybe." He took another spoonful of the soup.

There was a loud knock on the door. Gwen answered it but was pushed out of the way by Jonathan who grabbed my arm and dragged me out.

"What the FUCK Jonathan?" I asked.

"Aren't you forgetting that this is the man who broke your heart?" He scolded me.

"Yeah when I was seventeen!"I screamed. A few people on our floor, such as Alejandro, Beth and her husband Brady, poked their heads out the door. Alejandro smirked and Sierra, who was behind me so I couldn't see her, began filming our feud.

"Whatever," he said. "I'm going to bed."

I let him leave. I went back into Duncan's room. I ignored everyone's questions and went back to treating Duncan.


Hey guys. It has been forever since I updated my stories. It's been a busy summer between work and the shows I'm in.

I'll see you guys next time!

Don't forget to vote, comment and add me!


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