The Reunion pt.9

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The televised reunion was over. I was definitely sad. Who knew when the next time I'd see my friends would be. I was watching TV in my room. The cruise itself wouldn't be over until tomorrow so I had a little more time to relax. My phone buzzed so I picked it up off the side table to see what was up.

Hello ex-contestants,
Please report to the studio tonight
for a very special surprise. Be there
at 8:00 sharp.


Oh no, I thought. I wasn't that surprised, though. Chris hadn't done anything to us as a whole yet. He definitely humiliated a lot of us during our interviews but not as a whole. I decided to clear my mind a little and see if Jonathan wanted to grab some lunch. I tried calling his cellphone but it went straight to voicemail.

Where is he? 

I decided to write in the message board instead.

CITqueen (Courtney): Anyone want to grab a late lunch before whatever "surprise" Chris has for us?

SurfGirl123 (Bridgette): Sorry I can't. Geoff and I are going to the work out room in a few minutes.

GrimGothling (Gwen): Zoey and I are going to the restaurant tonight for dinner if you want to join us.

CITqueen (Courtney): It's okay Gwen. Thanks for offering though.

HeartBreaker (Duncan): I'll go with you Princess ;)

Oh no. Of all the people to go to lunch with me it had to be him. I was friends with Duncan, this is true, but being alone with him one on one had been very awkward (for obvious reasons). Also, I haven't been able to get those lyrics out of my head since I slipped off the treadmill a couple days ago.

CITqueen (Courtney): Fine. I'll meet you there.

I got out of bed and put on a little makeup before leaving. I walked downstairs to the restaurant to see Duncan waiting outside wearing a muscle tee, revealing the tattoo that he got with me years ago.

"You never got it removed?" I asked. He looked down at me and I pointed to the tattoo. He blushed a little.

"How could I?" He said. "I was mad at you during World Tour, but I never hated you. Even when you dated Scott during All Stars I was jealous. There was never a point in time when I stopped having feelings for you." His face was as red as a tomato. He rubbed the back of his neck. "Do you still have yours?"

I blushed, too. I always covered it up with waterproof tattoo concealer so I could wear bikinis when swimming or be topless when having sex with Jonathan, who thought I removed it years ago. I nodded in response to his question, and I took a makeup remover wipe out of my purse. I rolled up the arm of my shirt and I rubbed the spot on my arm with the wipe, revealing the red heart. "I couldn't do it either. I always cover it up with waterproof tattoo concealer so I can go swimming and not be reminded of our relationship, but when the time came to remove it I couldn't." 

Then Duncan surprised me by leaning in and kissing me. It had the same magic our first kiss had oh so long ago.

What are you doing girl?

I didn't let go of the kiss. I put my arms around him.

You have a boyfriend!

Duncan deepened the kiss and made me moan.

What about the lawyer who you always brag about?

I let go. We both had huge blushes. "I-I have to go." I ran back to my room and laid in bed until I had to leave for Chris' surprise.


The end is neigh! No but seriously I will have the last and FINAL chapter up soon (sometime this week).

I hope you guys liked this chapter!


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