The Reunion pt.3

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I went into my room after our meeting. I got a text from Bridgette as I laid down.

BRIDGE: Hey we r meeting at seven

COURT: Cool. I'll talk to Jonathan when he gets back :)

BRIDGE: C U then!

I checked my email and took a shower. This cruise was so nice. I guess after years of torturing us Chris decided to treat us. Nah, this was probably to put us in a false sense of security before he tricks us. Jonathan came into the room wearing his gym clothes. I guess he decided to work out.

"Hey, babe. How was your meeting?" He asked.

"It was good. We discussed what we were going to do if Chris pulls something and tricks us. By the way, a few of my friends are having dinner at that nice restaurant on the ground floor. Do you want to go with us?" He smiled and nodded.

We left at 6:55. (Courtney's outfit is at the top of the page). As we got to the restaurant I saw not a few ex contestants, but most of the original cast plus Alejandro and Sierra. I also saw Zoey, Mike and a few other ROTI cast members and Pahkitew Island cast members.

"So glad you guys could come," said Bridgette. She was wearing a black form fitting dress with no straps. Her hair was in a low bun. "Is this the lawyer you were telling us about?" She asked.

"Yes, this is Jonathan. I thought you said a few people. I thought you meant you, Geoff, Gwen and Zoey and Mike." The people I mentioned were the only ones I ever liked and they were the only ones who actually ever liked me.

"Yeah, I guess the word got out." I sighed and sat between Lindsay and Samey, who was bickering with Amy. Jonathan sat across from me next to LeShawna and Duncan. This was going to be a rough night.

1 hour later

I was arguing with Duncan. I was on the table about to kill him with a steak knife and Jasmine and LeShawna were trying to hold me back. Let's rewind back to how this happened.

1 hour earlier.

"So how did you two meet?" Katie asked. She was sitting on the lap of DJ, her fiance.

"Well, I'm a doctor and he came in with pneumonia. I looked after him and he flirted with me the entire time. After asking me out I said yes. That was last year."

Duncan scoffed. Was he jealous?

"Do you have something to say, delinquent?" I asked.

"Yeah, I do. It took you a month to gain my trust and you trust this guy immediately. Why's that?" I was astonished at what he was saying.

"Well let's not forget that he is a lawyer, he's kind and you are a criminal. You also cheated on me and could use some mouth wash right about now!" Everyone stopped their side conversations and looked at us. Bridgette was looking at Gwen and Geoff, not sure of what to do.

"Come on, dudes, let's just chill out." Geoff attempted to calm me down. Jonathan stood up and left the restaurant.

"See what you did, Princess? Now your date hates you. I guess you still have to get your temper in control."

"That's it," I said. I put my hand on the table, felling around for my utensils. I couldn't find them. I looked to my side and saw Lindsay eating her food with them. "Lindsay!" I screamed. "Give me your utensils." She looked around confused, then gave me the untouched napkin at her side.

"Here you go, Carly." She said. I face palmed. I was too angry to correct her. I unraveled the napkin and picked up the steak knife. I was about to dodge at Duncan when Geoff and DJ grabbed my arms.

"Let go of me," I screamed. This went on for another forty minutes. Geoff and DJ got tired after fifteen minutes of me struggling. They traded off with Trent and Eva, then Jasmine and LeShawna. That brings us to the present. Almost everyone had left the restaurant. The only people left were Geoff, Bridgette, Gwen, Trent, LeShawna, Jasmine, Samey, Mike, Zoey (who was trying her best to calm me down), Heather, Alejandro and, of course, Duncan.

"You can struggle all you want, Princess. It just proves my point that you need to tone it down." He stuck a finger into the dip he ordered along with some bread. He licked the dip off his fingers and leaned back in his chair. That's when I realized, he was just doing this to spite me. I relaxed my muscles and took a deep breath in. I turned my head and gave the knife to Samey. That's when Jasmine and LeShawna cautiously let go of me. I took a deep breath in and slowly let it out. Duncan was shocked at how easy I came out of it. His mouth was wide open.

"If you will excuse me, I have a very sexy lawyer to find." I walked out of the restaurant and up to my room. All of a sudden my phone went off with a million messages from the Total Drama message board I was part of.

SurfGirl123: Court, you okay?

QueenBee: Wow, Courtney. That was pathetic.

TDFAN07: Sorry I had to leave earlier. My Codykins had an allergy attack. What happened?

HeartBreaker (Courtney put that as Duncan's contact): I enjoyed the show, Princess ;)

GrimGothling: I hope you're okay, Courtney. Duncan is such a jerk :(

RedHead6: You ok girl?

HeartBreaker: Hey, pasty, shut it.

GrimGothling: Oh screw you Duncan

QueenBee: For once weird goth girl is right!

CITqueen: Thanks for your concern everyone. I'm fine. And stfu Duncan. I'm tired of your childish games!

I turned off my phone and went inside to apologize to Jonathan. The next day was the televised interview with Chris where we would be talking about what we have done with our lives since the show. I would definitely need more therapy after this cruise.


Hey guys I hope you liked this fight between the prep and punk.

I'm gonna put a list of who has what username in the group in case you couldn't tell who was who.








Thanks for tuning in. Also, happy Fourth of July!


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