The Reunion pt. 10

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"Courtney get up," Jonathan said. I was curled up in bed with a box of oreos at my side. I didn't want to go find out what Chris was planning for us.

"No," I said. My phone buzzed but before I could pick it up Jonathan did. "Hey!" I shouted.

"You don't get this back until you get up."

I glared at him. I stood up to get my phone back, but I forgot I took the tattoo concealer off my arm. Jonathan raised his eyebrow at the red heart on my forearm, but his eyes soon widened when he realized what it was.

"You never got it removed?" He asked.

I looked down and blushed a deep red. "I-I can explain," I said.

"Tch, don't even bother Courtney." Jonathan grabbed his phone and walked out of the room, leaving me heartbroken.

---Time Skip---

I sat in the sectioned off area of the audience for ex-contestants. I was crying and Gwen and Bridgette were comforting me.

"Here, Mocha, maybe this will make you feel better." Geoff handed me an iced caramel coffee.

"Thanks Geoff," I said, taking the cup. 

"Welcome contestants!" Chris said. 

"That's ex-contestants to you," Heather responded. Her arms were crossed.

"Right. Anyway I have an announcement for all of you. I have decided that I want to make a final season of Total Drama called Total Drama; One Last Ride. It will feature all contestants from seasons one through six and The Ridonculous Race fighting for ten million dollars. What do you think?" He grinned at us, but we all stayed silent. That is, before I spoke up.

"Actually, Chris," I started. "You won't be doing anything of the sort. I'm sure I've introduced you to Jonathan, my lawyer boyfriend. He is a much better lawyer than the others I've had in the past and I will be filing a lawsuit."

"Courtney; I thought you might try to get out of this. Do you want to meet the dude who took that video of you at the restaurant. You know the one with the knife?" Chris asked.

"W-what does that have to do with anything?" I asked. My face was quickly turning pale out of fear for knowing who did it.

"Oh Jonathan," he called. After he called the name my sweet, caring, sexy, smart, and traitor boyfriend came out and stood next to Chris. "I'm sure you've met my brother, Jonathan."

My face drained of all color. Hot tears poured down my pale cheeks and a lump formed in my throat. But I was silent. I didn't say a word. I watched as Chris explained what Jonathan has been up to for the past year; dating me, gaining my trust, making me love him so he could end up destroying me in the end. All for the satisfaction of his brother. His evil, criminal brother.

"Courtney?" Chris asked, still smirking. "How ya feeling?"

"How," I started, my voice shaky. "How c-could you do that, you monster?" I pointed at Jonathan. "I trusted you. I told you things I haven't told anyone. I fucking loved you, you asshole." The tears ran down my face quicker and quicker. "I changed because of you. I helped you through the toughest court cases, and when you were sick. You knew how much I hate this man." I pointed a finger at Chris. "And you do what, help him satisfy his goal of making my life miserable? I can't believe I never saw through all the lies. I can't believe I ever loved you." I broke down and cried my heart out. That's when Duncan held me and I cried into his chest. As I cried he stroked my back. After I calmed down I stayed like this, in Duncan's arms.

Chris explained what would happen after the cruise, but I didn't listen. I waited until after he was done to look Duncan in the eyes. We both knew there was no way of getting out of this, and I knew I was an idiot to think there was.

---Time Skip---

I sat in my bedroom with Jonathan. I was sitting on the edge of the bed while he was standing.

"If you didn't care why were you so upset about the tattoo?" I looked down as I asked this. I couldn't stand to look him in the eye.

"I wasn't," he said. "It was an act."

"Did you ever have feelings for me?"

"No. I knew who you were the second you treated me at the hospital, and I immediately despised you."

"Like the toad; ugly and venomous," I said, a line from As You Like It. One of his favorite of Shakespeare's.

---Time Skip---

"What do we do now?" Gwen asked.

"We do what Chris said," Heather responded. "We have one week after the cruise to sort anything out with work and family. Then we get our shit together and take a boat to whatever Island he puts us on this time."

I took a sip of my tequila and slouched back on the bar stool I sat on. I was with Duncan, Gwen, Heather, Al, Bridgette, and Geoff. It seemed like our gang would be sticking together from now on.

"I have to call the kids," Bridgette said. "Who knows how long we'll be gone with eighty two other contestants."

I was so ready for this to be over. Suddenly a thought popped into my head. "Duncan what about your mom?"

"I'm gonna visit her this weekend and say my goodbyes." He cut himself off so he could contemplate what to say next. "Do you want to come with me?"

"I haven't seen your mother in so long would that be appropriate?" I asked.

"When she found out I cheated on you she was devastated. She always loved you, thought you were always the better choice for me." Duncan sighed. "She'd really like to see you."

I thought about it for a minute before I smiled. "Yeah. I'll go with you."

I decided to do one thing before I forgot. I took out my phone and went to the message board. I clicked on Duncan's contact and hit the edit button. I message popped up when I was finished.

You have changed HeartBreaker's name to Dunkie



OMG it has been so long since I have updated this book or any of my other books really and I'm sorry for the wait but THIS BOOK IS FINALLY DONE.

It took me so long to find out where I wanted this book to go but I finally did it!!!!

Shoutout to Rainy_Days_TD  for all of your awesome comments.

Look out for my new book, Total Drama; One Last Ride, which will be coming out in April. I know that seems far away but I'm going to be really busy these next two months and will not be able to update a lot.

Also, I have a new book which isn't a TD fanfic, but it's a book updating stuff about me and it lets you all get to know me better. It will also state my updating schedule which I hope will be finished shortly. The book is called About the Author.

Thanks for reading The Reunion!


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