Chapter 2: Meeting Our Work Partners

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3:23am. That's when I woke up, no, that's when my eyes opened. Everyone were still sleeping, I thought I would be the last one to wake up, because I'm always the last one. Paul was hugging her favrote teddy bear, and Sonya had her headphone on, was she listening to music? I got up from the bed and looked around our room, I didn't have the chance to look at it. We had 3 bathrooms, a kitchen, living room, and a big room where our beds were placed. I head to the living room and closed the door of our room. It was cold. I wanted to explore a little bit, I put on some winter jeans, pink red vans, and a grey jacket, oh! And also and pink hoodie hat, it was cold. I head outside of our room and started walking to the elevator. I pressed the first floor and I was in the lobby, it was a closed hotel, that's what I liked the most of being here. There were people cleaning and making breakfast, it looked so tieing for them. The hotel had a pool room with a big pool, it seemed to be an atlettic pool. It also had big room where I think they make parties, and also they had the gym where we were going to practice. It was placed in a laaaaarge hallway, why a large one? Well, because there were more gyms. Crazy, isn't it? I saw the door of gym that had a paper on, it said "EXO AND SOYOLYPARAEMASHAKEY". Woah, cool. I couldn't see too much because the room was dark inside, and I didn't dare to come in. I smiled and leaved the hallway, heading outside from the hotel. They had a sport place, actually, I didn't spect this hotel to be that big.
I headed to my room and before I opened it, some guys were talking.
Yah, are you sure you have everything? "Someone asked"
We do, let's go before the girls wake up. "Another one said"
They were opening the door and I opened mine as dast I could, then I slowly closed it and layed on it. I'm shy when I meet someone, since I was a child.
I layed on the couch for a while and Sofie was walking to me, sleepwalking.
Keylana, have you seen my taxi? "She asked with a sleepy voice"
Again with sleepwalking? "I asked chuckling and holding her arms"
I need my taxi back. "She said pushing me"
Areaseo, I'll take you there. Let's go. "I said smiling and taking her to her bed"
I layed her down and she fell asleep. Sometimes she was scary, and I'm also the one who always takes care of her when she gets up. But that's why I'm with them, to help them in their needs.
Giiiiiiiiirls. "Our manager said knocking the door" Giiiiiiiiiiirls?
I head to the door and opened it with a smile.
Annyeonhaseyo. "I said bowing"
Keylana, hood morning! "He said happy" Where are the girls? "He asked coming in"
Um...sleeping? "I said hoping he wont get upset"
Well, let's wake them up then. "He said heading to our room"
Was he crazy?! What if they are in panties or worse?!
Girls! Wake up! "He shouted and they woke up slowly"
What's happening? "Shaly asked confused"
Eh? Where am I? "Yoori asked scratching her head"
Morning sleeping beauties! Get ready now! I'll wait for you in the lobby! "He shouted leaving the room"
Come on girls wake up. "I said happy" Umm, I have an idea. "I whispered to myself" Girls EXO IS HERE!! "I shouted and they woke up in shock"
Yah! Keylana! "They shouted at the same time and I chuckled"
We all got dressed with the same style. A sport bra with sport leggings and convers, I know I know. But that's how Mary wanted us to get dressed. She's our stylish. We stsrted practicing CALL ME BABY. I had to do Lay's part. That's how we always practice, and in I GOT A BOY, my part was the one that has a curly short hair in the music video, I really don't know SNSD names, I think hers is Tiffany... Well, anyway! We danced it like how we do it.
We were heading to the lobby room to eat breakfast. We had a jacket on because it was cold, they were talking and laughing while I was in the back reading my book. When we arrived the breakfast was already served, it was a buffet. A BIG buffet.
Woah, it looks delicious. "The girls whispered"
Hey girls! "Our manager said happy heading to us"
Annyeonghaseyo. "We all said bowing"
How was your first night in a SM Hotel? "He asked"
Great! "We all said"
Good then if you didn't have any problems! Now listen, the boys are in your especific gym, they are waiting for you all to breakfast. Hurry up and enjoy it! "He said with a smile"
Kamsahabnida! "The girls shouted and head to the buffet"
Keylana, what are you going to eat? "Yoori asked"
Um, well, maybe a salad. I'm not that hungry. "I said with a smile"
Come on, enjoy it! "Shaly said"
I don't want to vomit, that's all. "I said taking some green salad"
I head to our table and started eating it. Green salad with tomatoes and grapes, a tiny portion of everything.nthe girls head to another table. Living me alone, I sighed with a smile and sta with them.
Yah Sonyana, are you going to eat all that? "Rae asked looking at Somya's plate"
Of course, we need to have a full stomach. "Sonya said eating her plate full of sausage"
I can't wait any longer girls. "Yoly said happy"
Me either! "Everyone said"
I was reading my book and they all finished. We got up from our table and head to our manager. We folowed him to the gym door.
Okay SOYOLYPARAEMASHAKEY girls, breath deep. "He said and we breathed deep" Good, close your eyes. "He said and we closed our eyes" Now wait 15 minutes more. "He said joking and the girls laughed" Just joking around, come inside. "He said opening the door and we came inside"
There they were, sitting in the floor and standing up in a line when they saw us coming in. The girls were shouting and laughing, they were excited, I think I was the only one still.
Girls meet EXO! "Our manager said and they shouted even more"
Annyeonghaseyo, We are EXO! "They said bowing"
Annyeonghaseyo, We are SOYOLYPARAEMASHAKEY! "We said bowing"
Woah I need to write that name on! "Baekhyun said and we laughed"
It's unique like them guys! "Our manager said laughing" Okay, girls, you already know them. Introduce yourselves.
Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Rae. "Rae said bowing with a happy smile"
Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Shaly. "Shaly said bowing"
Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Yoori. "Yoorie said bowing"
Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Sofie. "Sofie said bowing"
Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Yoly. "Yoly said bowing"
Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Mary. "Mary said bowing"
Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Sonya. "Sonya said bowing"
Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Paul. "Paul said bowing"
Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Keyla. "I said bowing"
Annyeonghaseyo. "The boys said bowing as well"
Okay okay, good. Now listen carefully, you wanted the girls to dance a cover dance to see how good they are. Girls, go ahead. "Our manager said and we head to the center of the gym"
He played the song CALL ME BABY and Rae started dancing Kai's part. When we finished the guys laughed as they were clapping their hands.
Hyung, I have a question. "Lay asked" Can the girls dance another song?
Well, of course they can, right girls? "Our manager said"
Omo! Keylana, you were right. "Shaly whispered to me and I smiled"
Yoly played the song I GOT A BOY by SNSD and Yoorie started with the first moves. When we finished, the guys did the same thing.
Good job girls, now when I call your name head to your EXO partner. Arraseo? "He said" Rae! "He said and she headed to Xiumin" Yoly! "She with D.O" Yoori! "With Lay" Paul! "With Suho" Shaly! "With Chanyeol" Mary! "With Sehun" Sonya! "With Baekhyun" Sofie! "With Kai" And finally, Keyla! "I head to Chen" Okay, now I'll leave. Meet some more the guys and decided what you'll do.
Our manager left and the girls shouted.
Annyeong. "Chen said with a smile"
Annyeonghaseyo. "I said bowing"
So you're Keylana. I was wondering who she was, since she was going to be my partner. "He said smiling" I'm Chen. Nice to meet you.
Ne, nice to meet you too. "I said shy"
The guys were already talking with their EXO partners in private, they were calling them Oppa. I can say that they were flirting with them, since I know them.
So, how older you? "Chen asked as we were sitting on the floor"
I'm 19. "I said"
Nice, I'm 21. "He said smiling" You dance great out there.
Yeah well, I think I need more practice. "I said looking at my hands and he laughed with his cute laugh he always had"
No seriously, you're good at dancing. "He said"
Gomawo. "I said with a smile"
Okay, girls, listen up! "Suho said as he was gerring up" The first song we'll learn is, BAN BANG BANG by BIGBANG.
Awesome. Yeah it must be fun. "The girls whispered" Umm...Suho Oppa, we already know that song. "Rae said"
You do? "He asked scratching his neck"
Then show us! "Kai said smiling" Right now.
Now? "The girls asked and they looked at me"
Actually, they always follow me when I dance that song.
Keylana... "Rae said looking at me"
I don't have a problem with that. "I said smiling"
Great then! Let's see! "D.O said putting the song"
The song starts with the five main characters first moves, those characters were Rae, Paul, Shaly, Yoori, and me. I was in the middle of all them. D.O played the song and they started following my moves. They were looking at me all time, when they had solos part they were doing it perfectly! I felt happy, I also had to make a girly part and a male one. When we finished the guys ran to us.
That was amazing! "They shouted"
Show us! "I heard Xiumin say"
Okay, listen up guys! "Suho said" Tomorrow, we'll start learning the moves. I was looking at Keylana, she was the leader in the dance. "I opened my eyes very big" She'll show us.
Was he looking just at me? What about the others? They did it without my help...
Girls let's eat lunch. "Rae said and we came out from the gym with the guys"
Are you guys eating with us "Mary asked"
They'll be braking a rule of they does. "Sofie said"
Yah, who cares. Let's break a rule then. "Kai said grabbing Sofie's arm and taking her to the Lunch Buffet"
The girls started heading to the buffet with their partners and Chen and was with our manager and so was Chanyeol. Shaly and I were together, and that made me feel happy. Everyone were eating in different tables, We just picked what we wanted to eat and head to another table with our plates. Shaly looked around and opened her eyes very big with a smile.
Keylana, do you mind if I eat lunch with Chen oppa? "She whispered"
Shalya, he's not my property as you can see. You're free to do whatever you want. "I said happy"
Omo! You're the best! Gomawo! "She said heading to Chen"
Well, I'm alone...heh... I took out my book and started reading it with my ching on my hand.
May I sit with you? "Someone asked"
I looked up and saw Chanyeol.
S...sure. "I said shy"
First time someone asks me if can sit with me.
Gomawo. "He said smiling"
Ne, whenever you want. "I said"
So you're Keylana? "He asked putting a spoon of rice in his mouth"
Ne, and you're Chanyeol. "I said and he smiled"
Ne, it seems like that. "He said swallowing the rice" Um...I don't want to be mean and nothing but...your friend, Shaly, is bery scary. "He said nervous"
Shalya? Why? "I chuckled"
She doesn't stop grabbing my arm or wven hands! "He whispered"
"I laughed" Ne, she've been always like that. But she's a great friend onece you get to know her. "I said and he smiled"
Um...I also talked with our manager. We decided to exchange partners, Chen decided to be with Shaly and told me to stay with you. "He said with a worried face"
My facial expression didn't change at all but I felt...hurt...
Please don't feel hurt. He just liked her when he saw her dancing moves. "He said worried"
I'm not hurt... Why would I be? "I asked drinking a water bottle and looking to another side"
Your eyes tells me what I need to know. "He said chuckling"
So that means you'll be my partner? "I asked"
That's right I'll be your partner now. "He said smiling" Are you coming to dinner with us? "He asked drinking a water bottle"
We must, don't we? "I asked with a smile"
Of course! We'll dance with ghosts if you guys don't come! "He said laughing" "I asked confused"
Ne, it will be a real dinner with dance and stuffs, not too formal of course. "He said smiling" Didn't know? "He asked"
Ne, I didn't know. "Insaid scratching my head"
The truth is that that I don't know how to dance, yeah Indo dance K-pop covers but I don't know how to...DANCE, know what I mean?

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