Chapter 10: Do you feel the same?

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A few days later...

Petra's Pov:

It's been about a few days since we met Jesse's twin brother. At first we thought things will get confusing because they both have the same name. But our Jesse said we can call her Jess from now on. And I will admit that this has been awkward because we called her Jesse for years. Now that her twin is here things got difficult, but over the time we got use to it.

Speaking of Jess' twin brother, I think that I am gaining feelings for him. I mean why not? Jesse is like Jess, but I find him attractive which is weird because I am Petra. I am strong and tough and I don't fall for boys that easily. But Jesse somehow stole my heart, I can't stop thinking about him. My love for him got stronger since Jess let him join us and live with us.

It was night time and I was looking at the night sky. I was thinking about telling Jesse how I feel about him tonight. Although i'm kinda worried. I barely speak and hang out with him, so i'm worried that he won't have the same feeling for me. Well I can see why Lukas was nervous about asking Jess to be his girlfriend. I sighed and walk out of my room to Jesse's. We had a spare room so we gave him the room. I began to sweat a bit as I was facing his door.

"Come on Petra, you can do this. Prove your brave and that you face anything in your way, even a simple crush."

I sighed and opened the door.

"Hey Jesse I ne-..." I cut myself when I saw Jesse wet with a towel on his waist, he just came out of the shower, he also had a six pack. He looked at me and turned red.

"Ah Petra! Didn't you ever heard of knocking?!" He yells

"Ah! I'm so sorry Jesse!" I cover my eyes.

"Get out!"

I ran out of his room and slammed the door shut. I was leaning on his door with and embarrassed look and a deep dark red color on my face. I began to walk out with the blush on my face and my face facing the ground.

I went inside my room and flop down on the bed. I had never thought I would ever mess up. At last I've fallen for one guy and I ruined my chance by not knocking on his door. I shake off the feeling of embarrassment and got ready for the night.


The night was silent, everyone was asleep but me. I couldn't stop thinking about how I mess up my chance on telling Jesse how I feel about him. He probably hates me and doesn't want to speak with me anymore. I am wearing my sleeveless shirt and athletes shorts to sleep more comfortable, but no matter what, I couldn't sleep.

I felt that I wanted to cry, I guess I will get another chance with another guy and I will make sure I don't ruin it.


"Petra? Hey it's me." I heard Jesse's voice muffle behind the door.

I quickly stood up and went to the door. I opened it and saw him with a sadden look and scratching his neck. He also wore a sleeveless shirt along with shorts

"Hey uh sorry about snapping on you earlier." He apologized. I shook my head as I gave him a sad smile.

"No need to apologize, i'm the one who should apologize. I should had knocked before I busted in." He chuckled nervously while I scratch my neck.

"Hey no need for apologizes. Anyway what did you wanted to talk about earlier?" He asked me as I turned red.

"I guess this is my chance."

"Uh... can you come inside?"

He gave me a confused look but he nodded and went inside. I closed the door behind him and I turned around to see him sitting on my bed. I sit down next to him as I felt my cheeks heat up. I never felt this way before, but before I tell him my feelings I need to know one thing.

"Ok Jesse, before I tell you something I want you to answer me this."

Jesse looked at me. "Sure. What is it?"

I gulped before I continued. "Do you have a girlfriend?"

He raised an eyebrow but he answered my question. "No. I was never in a relationship anyway. Why do you ask?"

I bit my lips as he still had the look.

"I can't take this anymore."

I grab Jesse's shoulders and he looked at me with a surprised look. I go closer to him and whisper to him. "I'm sorry Jesse."

"What?!" He whispers shout as I slammed my lips into his. His eyes widen as I kept kissing his lips. After a few moments I pulled back and saw his deep blush and shock look on his face.


"I-i'm sorry Jesse, I don-"

I was cut off when Jesse pulled me for another kiss. My eyes were widen but I eventually relax and kissed back. I wrapped my arms around his neck while his finger were on my hair, pulling me closer. We pulled away due to lack of oxygen. Jesse smiled and I smiled back as I nuzzled my nose on his.

"Jesse, I wanted to say that I gain feelings for you. I was worried to tell you because I thought you wouldn't feel the same. So do you feel the same?"

I saw his smile turn into a grin. "Does this answer your question?" He said as he pulled me into another kiss, I kissed back. We pulled away and laid down on my bed.

"So Jesse? Does this mean we're official?"

"Hmm... Yes it does."

I smiled as I saw him sit up to get out of my bed. I quickly grab his hand and he looks at me.

"Jesse? Can you please stay with me tonight?"

I saw him turn red, I had a feeling why.

"I-I don't mean that, I mean just sleep with me."

He sighed in relief. "Ok, but you don't mind that I take off my shirt? I sleep shirtless."

I turn bright red but smile, remembering his six pack. "Yeah I don't mind."

He smiled and took off his shirt. He laid next to me and I rested my head on his chest before we fell into a deep slumber.

A/N: Jetra chapter!! I love this couple like I love Lukesse. Now then lets see how it goes next. Bye :D

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