July 11th, 2016

85 4 0

I find comfort in the idea that I am Not perfect. So then I don't have to live in expectations. Expectations create disappointments & disappointments leave burdens.. I don't want that burden of trying to be perfect. "Perfect " itself is subjective .. It's one of those things like beauty , "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" what is perfect to him or her may not be to you or me. The whole theory that 1 person is perfect has imperfections itself. Like how can 1 person be perfect , have perfect hair , teeth, eyes , clothes , parents , bf/gf .. That it self is unrealistic ..
We are given the lives we have and it is our responsibility to make something out of them. No ones life is perfect and no one is perfect.
I don't even want to be. I'd hate to be someone who is stuck on such a notion that dwells in illogical terms and carry that burden daily.
Wanting to be perfect is exhausting and dreadful. Why put ones self through such hard times ? Life gives us enough of those as it is .. Don't drown yourself in made up problems.
I've always thought that I'd be someone who is an adventurer , which I am. And I always thought I'd never change .. Which I did. So I want wrong but I'm glad I was wrong . Change means growth and if that growth benefits me then I am all for it. I just thank god that my growth wasn't perfect. I wouldn't be who I am today if it was. #troysjournal

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