August 10th, 2016

49 2 1

No matter how honest you are , how much you allow someone to see the real you , how much you declare a liking for them , how much you write for them and trust them... People will always & I mean always find a way to discredit your thoughts...
You think you're beautiful ? Well that shit doesn't matter either , they'll cheat on you with a broad that looks like she's walked a mile through hell and tell you "I'm sorry" .. You think you're understanding , now hold up you might be but best believe they'll use that understanding as a weakness just to go and have other women on the side .
Ohhhh wait , you must think since you give him freedom and you don't ask for all his account info and you trust him that he won't be out here fooling ? Laughing out loud ! Girl you played yourself .
Your trustworthiness will be tested and tested and plotted on until you figure it out . And that's the day you find out you aren't the only one like he says .
This is exactly why I trust everyone until they give me a reason not to. See now this is what I call "I don't have to deal with you phase" .. He knew I trusted him, he knew I was understanding , he knew I gave him his freedom , he knew that I was beautiful .. Give a man all that in his hands and watch him crush it .
And it's so amusing to hear the way sorry rolls off their tongues .. Because that's a tongue covered in sin.. Trying to apologies with their fingers crossed

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