Rodeo and Romance

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This is before he offers her a ride.

Nate's Point of View

"Elizabeth Layhaye second call for Elizabeth Layhaye . " The announcer called. She just sat there her eyes were looking in the distance even though nothing was there. She was somewhere else I noticed that about her she was always somewhere else. Suddenly she was back to reality she and her horse ran past. I screamed "good luck Elizabeth" I've rarely wish anyone good luck not even my friends. She looked back trying to figure out who had said it but she turned back. She made it through the first barrel, then  the second one she's almost done. I hold my breath as she turns the last barrel it wobbled , but no she saves it with tip of her fingers. She's home  free she's  going to win it all. "Elizabeth Layhaye is our new champion" the rodeo announcer explains. "Yes she did it."  I say under my breath . I don't  see her after that she just dismounts off her horse and walks to her trailer like usual. But before she makes it to her trailer Amber makes a rude comment to her. If Amber was  a man I would of decked her long ago but Elizabeth just walked away. Next was the my competition saddle  bronc's I rode a bronc named " What's it to you"  he turned left then a sharp right. ERRRRR the buzzer rang out finally. "The judges will now have a score of 83 which will bring this cowboy to the top" the announcer screamed. I had won I was lucky to have drawn such a good bronc. I went to my trailer and was thinking of leaving for Abilene , but I was just to tired and since I don't travel with partners I didn't want to chance falling asleep at the wheel. I crawled into my bed and feel asleep to the music playing outside my trailer.

The Next Morning 

RRRRRRRRR Clack  is the  sound  I woke up to. I looked at the clock 4:00  AM. Wow someone's truck sounds like its dead. Well I have  to head out anyway. I looked out my window and there she is  hair flying everywhere. Her face scrunched up in a frown. I get up out of my living quarters and went to tend to my two horses Angus and Dixie. People always ask my why do you bring them? They were my companions, and I sometimes used them to rope off of, or sometimes I let a few people use Angus if their horse is down or having a bad day. I raised both of them as foals and trained them myself they're  complete opposites,  and I guess that's why they get along so well. After tending to them. I walked over, and knocked on her door. She opened it a little a first. "Sounds like you need a ride to Abilene?" I asked ." No I'm just about to leave". she said through her teeth. "You can hitch a ride with me or you can wait but it's going to take a while for a mechanic to get out  here" " I don't even mind your dog coming " I explained to her. She looked back into space and scrunched her face. "I will be a perfect gentlemen and sleep on the couch. " I said trying to comfort her. After a few minutes she finally gave in and she loaded her horse into my trailer with Angus and Dixie. "They're are beautiful. "she said in a whisper that I barely heard. At first she was reluctant to let me help, but we both know we have to hurry. I packed her tack with mine in the tack section of my trailer. She came out with barely anything. "Ok I'm ready". she said . It amazes me most girls carry their whole closet with them. She placed her dog in the back of my truck , and we climbed in the truck and we started out for Abilene. It was going to be a long ride if all she is going to do is sit there and stare out the window.

Picture of Lizzy and Trouble

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