Jc, Kian and I headed back home. When we got back Kian rushed into the house. "We should quickly unpack the things." Jc said shutting the car door. "yeah, ok. " I said grabbing mine and Jc's bag from the back of the truck. Jc got the tent and put it into the garage while I put out things in his room. As I walked out I saw Jenn walk out of the kitchen. "CALI!!!" She yelled and attacked me with a hug. "Is Cali back?" I heard a filmier voice say from the kitchen. Soon enough Chelsea pops her head around the corner. Her eyes light up as she looked at me and she ran around the corner holding Connor's hang causing him to almost trip. I laughed and greeted them. "I missed you lots." Jenn said as I hugged Chelsea. "I hope you're better now." Chelsea said as I them hugged Connor. "It's good to see you Cali." Connor said smiling at me. "Awe, trust me guys I missed you to and I promise to not leave again like that." I said a I hugged Ricky.
I went back outside to help Jc with the rest of the things. "It's all packed away now." Jc said laughing. "oh, sorry." I said beginning to laugh. He put his arm around me and we went back inside. "So you guys are official now.?" Connor asked smiling and rocking back and froth on his feet. "We sure are." Jc said looking down and flashing me a smile before he kissed me. I started to blush. "That's amazing, I'm so happy for you." Ricky said. Everyone congregated us but my attention turned to upstairs. I could see Kian through his cracked open bedroom door. He was leaning against the wall looking at the sealing. "I'll be right back." I said smiling then walking up the stares. I stood in Kian's door frame. "What's the matter Kiki?" I asked pulling a confused face. "I just don't want anyone else to get hurt." He said grabbing a bag from his cuboid. "I know, I know. But I don't even know what to do about this creepy bitch anymore." I said looking at him. " Yeah same." He said back. Ricky came up behind me making me jump. "Why don't we go to the police about this?" He said. "Yeah, why don't we?" I asked Kian with a blank face. Ricky went away and Jc came up. "Because Cali. It would only make her more angry and determined to kill you. And I can't risk losing my other girl." He said hugging me trying to told back the tears." I nodded. "Now, I'm staying with Andrea at the hospital until she can come home. I don't like the idea of her being alone there." He said zipping up his backpack that he filled with clothes. Jc came and stood next to me in the door way. "Jc, take care of her. I know you will. Make sure she dousn't get hurt." Kian said standing in front of us. "Of course Kian." Jc said putting his arm around me and putting me next to his body. "Cali... Be careful." Kian said and hugged me and left.
After dinner Jc went to bed, I could tell that he was tired from our adventurer. Rick, Jenn and I where watching Bring it on and Connor and Chelsea where up in Connor's room doing who knows what, haha. Jenn had already fallen asleep by the end of the movie, so I decided to try and get some rest. "Night Rickers." I said getting up from the couch. "Night Cali." He said back. I went into Jc's room where him and Wishbone where asleep. The only sauce of light was the Christmas lights around Jc's window. I crewel into his bed and laid next to him. Wishbone was on the side next to the wall. I rolled over to face the other way and Jc up his hand around me pulling me close to him. I soon fell asleep.
*** The next morning ***
I woke up to Jc talking in my ear. "Wake up, your boyfriend wants to kiss you and hug you but he can't do that when you're a sleep, wake uppppppp." He said into my ear. I tried to act like I was still asleep but a smile crept on my face. "Yay you're up." He said kissing my cheek. "Yeah, nice wake up call by the way." I said laughing at him. "Yes well it's true." He said hopping up out of bed and pulling me with him. We walked out into the kitchen to see a note on the bench that said: jenn, Chelsea, Ricky and I have gone to visit Andrea. We won't be back for a while. P.S. Don't mess up the house like last time you two where alone. From Connor:)
I giggled and opened the fridge. Jc read the note. "Haha, that was a fun day!" Jc said putting the note back down on the bench. "It sure was." I said taking out some juice and pouring us a glass each and putting it away. We drank it and I rinsed out cups. "Why are you cleaning up after me." Jc asked me. "Because I love you." I said hugging him. "I love you too." I said squeezing me really tight. He sighed loudly. "Ok, I'm going to go and have a shower." I said trying to get out of Jc's grip. "Nooooo, not yet. Don't leave me." He said not letting me go. I giggled quietly to myself. "Fine." I said laughing. "Ok, I'm going to have a shower now." I said getting out of his grip. "Ok." He said pulling a puppy dog face. I ran up stairs and had a shower in Kian and Ricky's shower. Don't ask me why, but I really like their shower, lol. I got out and put on one of Jc's red shirts, some plain black leggings and black Vanz. I left my light pink hair out and put some winged eye liner and mascara on. I slipped on Jc's batman beanie and went down stairs. "It's so hot seeing you in my clothes." He said from the couch. I laughed and sat next to him. I heard my phone buzz so I grabbed it from Jc's room.
From: Chelsea babe
Jenn's walking home right now, she can't bear to see Andrea like this. Could you please give us a text when she arrives? Thanks xx
To: Chelsea babe
Of cause! xx
I chucked my phone onto the bed and ran back out to Jc. I sat next to him on the couch. "So what do you want to go princess?" He asked gazing over at me. I smiled. "I'm not sure." I said back to him. He stood up and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his wast as he started to kiss my lips. The kiss started to get deeper as Jc lent me against the wall. A sexy sigh left his lips and I smiled. "Maybe we should press pause." I said laughing. " Haha, probably a good idea." Jc said putting me down and hugging me. "I love you Cali." I said. "I love you too Justine." I said smiling even more because I used his real name, lol.
** Jenn's POV **
I started walking from the hospital. I've never experienced someone I love getting hurt like this and it had quite a big impacted on me. I couldn't bear to see her like that so I had to leave. As I was walking the fresh breeze was hitting my face. I stopped at a busy road and waiting for the walking signal to go green, as I had to do all the way up this street. My walking passe started to pick up. I started humming a random song as I trued the corner at the top of the street. I started to look around the street I was walking down. I was going the right way back to the house but this place really creeped me out. On my left side there was a large hedge going all the way up the street I was not even half way finished walked up. Suddenly my phone started ringing from my pocket, I got it out and it didn't have a called ID. I got shivered down my back. I hesitated to answer it but finally did. "Hey Jenn." A familiar voice said on the other line. A sigh of relief left my lips. "Hey Connor, why don't you have your caller ID on?" I asked calming down. "It isn't on? I thought it was." He said laughing. "That wasn't funny, you scared the hell out of me. So why are you calling me anyway?" I said into the phone. "We're leaving now and we where wondering if you want us to pick you up." He said back. "Nah, that's ok I'm almost there anyway." I say looking down at my shoes as I walk. "Ok, see you when we get back, bye." "Bye." I said hanging up the phone. As I hung up I accidentally dropped my phone. "SHIT!" I yell as I pick it up. I look in the refection to see a girl with a black hoodie over her head behind me but before I vould turn around she grabbed me and forced me into the pushes causing me to drop my phone. The girl quickly put a cloth over my nose and mouth and it knocked me out.

Strong Love
Fanfiction18 year old Cali Frost is best friends with Kian Lawley. She goes to California to see him, but then meets Jc Caylen and Sam Pottorff. Will love keep her there, or drive her away?