Meeting her fiance

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I smiled to myself while I looked at the flowers in our garden. I'm standing her at my room's balcony with headphones on. I wonder what Allyssa is doing? I'll call her later. Maybe, we could hang out at the mall.

Let me introduce myself, I'm Chanyeol Mark Park. I am one of the members of EXO. We are currently on break. The others members are probably out of the country. My parents are Zachary and Clarise Park. I'm an only child. My dad owns Park University. I am currently taking Business Adminstration on my 3rd year. Allyssa is my bestfriend. She studies in the same school. I'm older that her by two years.

I heard a knock on my door. I walked towards it putting my headphones on my neck. I opened the door revealing one of our maids.

"Yes?" I asked her. She couldn't look at me in the eyes. A crease on my forehead appeared as I thought of a reason why. I brushed it off.

"S-sir Zachary would like to talk to you in his study." She stuttered. I smiled at her before she scurried away. I shrugged and walk towards my Dad's study. I wonder what he wants to talk about. Probably something about business and some time to catch up. That's why I love my dad. He gives time to spend with mom and I. Reaching the door to his study, I knocked and opened the door. I saw him standing near one of the big windows while he looked outside.

"Good afternoon dad." I greeted him and sat down. I saw cookies on his table. I grabbed one and chucked it in my mouth.

"It's about Allyssa" he looked at me and headed to his chair. What about her? Did she get in trouble or something? I miss her.

''What about her?" I asked getting some more cookies from his table. It's so good. I wonder who baked this?

''You have to marry her" He looked at me in the eye. Marry? I thought as I chucked more cookies in my mouth.

''Okay" I answered cooly but deep inside I was jumping with joy. I've always wanted to marry her. I wonder what her reaction is? I hope she's happy. I'm about to get more cookies but I found it empty. I looked at my father who's silently watching me.

"What no violent reaction?" he asked with a crease on his forehead. I wonder what reaction he wants from me. Does he want me to cry?

"Nope, I'm totally cool with it" I said standing up from my seat and brushing the crumbs from my shirt.

"Well then in that case you may now go" he dismissed and stood up to go get another book.

As I left my dad's office I couldn't stop the smile creeping up in my lips. I can't believe I'm going to marry my first love. The maids are looking at me weirdly like I've grown another head but can you blame me? I'm going to get married with the person I love. I can still remember the day I met her. Well, you see it all started with this:


When I was 5 years old my parents told me to wear something descent because we're going to a birthday party. I asked them whose birthday party but they only looked at each other with a grin and replied "you'll see". I decided to wear jeans, a black shirt, red and white polo and boots. My dad drove the car and my mom sat on the passenger seat. I'm at the back playing with my toys, creating noises as I hit the toys together.

"Baby we're here" I heard my mom call me. I opened the door and came out of the car. My mom gave me a pink present with a pink ribbon. I gave her a questioning look.

"That's for the birthday girl." She said before she grabbed my hand towards the entrance. The place was covered with pink. Too much pink for my liking. I made a face. My mom looked at me with a frown.

"Chanyeol behave." I pouted but what could I do? Then when I looked ahead I saw my Mommy talking to Aunt Liz.

''Hi Eliza! Remember Chanyeol, our son?" She nudged me. So, I came near her and kissed her cheek. I know her because she frequently goes to our house but she doesn't bring her daughter with her.

"Ofcourse I do"Aunt Eliza replied chuckling. She looked at me lovingly and called someone.

"Allyssa, baby come here!" A little girl wearing a red dress that reached her knees and black doll shoes. Her hair is slighly curly with a ribbon on top.

"Yes mommy?" She came running to us and asked in an adorable voice. She looked so cute. Now, I want a little sister. I'll go ask mommy and daddy for a little sister as my birthday present.

"This is your Aunt Clarise, her husband Uncle Zachary and their son Chanyeol. Say hello to them." She looked at us with those big brown round eyes.

"Hello, nice to meet you!" She beamed. My mom stared at her in awe. She bent down to her size.

"Hello Allyssa. Kiss me on the cheek instead." My mom said pointing her cheeks. She smiled and kissed her. She pulled away and my mom stood up straight again.

"How old are you Allyssa?" My dad asked her. She placed her index finger to her chin indicating that she's thinking. They chuckled at her.

"I'm now 3 years old!" She grinned and showed her 3 fingers. My mom nudged me and I walked near her. I handed her the present which she gladly accepted.

"Happy Birthday Allyssa!" I greeted her with a smile. She smiled at me. Aw, she looks so adorable.

"Thank you Chanyeol!" she replied. Aw, she has a beautiful voice. She looked up to her mom and tugged her dress. Her mom suddenly looked at her.

"Mom can Chanyeol go with me for awhile?" she asked her mom with a pout. Her mom chuckled and smiled. She looked at my mommy.

"Only if your Aunt Clarise says so" her mom replied. I looked at my mom with a pleading look. She chuckled and nodded.

When she saw my mother nodded she instantly pulled me into their garden. There were plenty of flowers there. Wow! It's just like our garden.

"Allyssa call me Mark." I told her. She smiled at me and nodded.

"Do you see the stars above us? It looks so pretty. Don't you think?" she asked me. Her eyes twinkled as she looked at the stars.

"Yup, very pretty" I gave the stars a glance before I looked at her. Those words came out of my mouth unexpectedly.

We stared hanging out more often. It's either I come to their house or vice versa. She became my best friend.

At first it was just a simple crush thing but as we got older it got deeper. Until she turned to my first love. 

End of flashblack

The next day while I was walking down the hall. I heard my dad talking to someone on the phone. I decided to stick my ear on his door. I know eavesdropping is bad but I just can't help it.

"She left?... Let's just give her space... Yes... Let's just wait until she gets back... I'll just tell Chanyeol that he has to wait... Ok... Bye" Dad sad and I heard her sigh.

What?! She left? I tried to calm myself down. Maybe it's not what I think they're talking about. Pull youself together. I scolded myself.

Then suddenly my father opened the door. He was surprised seeing me infront of him. He opened his mouth but shut it again. He step aside motioning me to come inside.

"Son..." He called me. I looked at him waiting for what he has to say.

"She left." I felt my world crumble into pieces. She left. Those words repeated inside my head.

"Where?" I asked. I'm going to follow her.

"We don't know." He said looking down on the floor.

"We'll just wait for her to comeback." I sighed.

"I'm sorry son." Patting my back, I hugged him.

"I understand" he let go of me and I walked out of the door without a word.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I smiled weakly because all I could see is a broken man.

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