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Hyung's (Chris) POV

I was in total panic. She's already inside the emergency room. Her friends and I are here silent waiting for the doctor to come out the door.

"What... what happened to her? Its like she's starting to make a barrier between us" Mich choked out sobbing. I held her closer uttering soothing words for her to calm down.

"I'll just go to the bathroom" I informed them but none of them responded. Its like they're in their own worlds but one things for sure sorrow was written across their face.

I didn't really need to go to the bathroom I was going to make a call.

"I'm sorry Allyssa but I have to do this for your own good." I sadly mutter to myself.

I started dialling the number after that I pressed call button. After three rings someone answered it

(How's your vacation going?)

"Umm I have something to say to you" trickles of sweat were starting to fall from my forehead having no idea how to inform them about our current situation.

(What happened?) I can sense nervousness from their voice.

"Its about Allyssa..." I started. I actually don't know how to say about her condition to them.

(You found her?) this time I sensed joy from the tone of their voice.

"Yeah... She was here in France all along"

(Great! Bring her home)

"b-but I c-can't" I stuttered having a hard time finding the right words to say.

(WHY NOT?!) now they're angry. Damn its hard to explain it to them.

"SHE'S IN THE HOSPITAL DAMMIT!" I guess anger got the best of me. I couldn't help it. My sister's on danger.

(W-what h-happened to her?)

"We found her in her room with her head bleeding" again a tear escaped my eyes.

(We're going to go there) they announced sternly. Oh no they can't... not now

"Just wait for us there" I reply hastily. I don't want more troubles regarding this matter. I think the situation itself is very difficult.

(Fine. Just notify us) I feel really grateful hearing them say that.

"Thanks mom and dad. Bye" I said ending the call. I wiped the tears that escaped from my eyes and made my way back to where they are.

I sat beside Mich. She's just staring up at the ceiling. I noticed the others weren't there. I asked Julia where they were and she said they went to the canteen to buy something to eat.

I pull Mich's head and placed it on my shoulders. Placing my arms on her shoulder rubbing it. Trying my best to comfort the girl I love.

Later on, the others came back with carrying bags of food. Distributing it to each one of us. We were eating peacefully when I noticed a figure walking in our distance. I freezed in my position. No! It can't be...

"What happened?" he said.The others looked in his direction. I saw Baekhyun, Tao, Chen and Kris stiffen.

"W-what are you doing here?" I asked completely lost.

"I just arrived here in France and this is what I see? I went to your house and saw all of you rushing but I had an emergency so I came her late. Now explain me what happebed before I lose my sanity" he sounded angry. Actually he really is angry. His jaws are tensed and his hands are clenched.

"Her heads bleeding" I tried not to cry but a tear escaped my eye. He then broke down and kneeled on the floor sobbing.

"Chanyeol everythings going to be alright" Tao tried to calm his friend.

"Why are you here?" I repeated my question.

"I came here to see her" he said "I came here to claim whats mine" his? They're not even married. On my stay here I think my sister found love and clearly its not him.

I felt Mich tapping on my back. I looked at her to see her face etched with confusion. I kissed the top of her head and whispered I'll explain in time.

"Kris what-" the doctor came out of the door.

"Whose the family here?" he asked. I stepped forward declaring she's my sister.

"Well, your sisters okay. She just had a cut that I had to stitch. Don't worry shes okay shes just resting. You can visit her now. Thats all" I muttered grateful words to him before he walked away.

"Thank God she's okay" I announced. Everybody sighed in relief.

"Can we visit her already?" Julia asked anticipation in her voice. I nodded with a small smile.

"I'll just ask the receptionist what room she is" with that Chen took off. We didn' utter any word. Its kinda awkward having my sister's ex first love / fiance and present lover in the same room.

Although I think Chanyeol doesn't know about Kris liking his fiance. Cause the look on his face isn't showing anything but a blank expression.

"She's in room number 25" we all found our way to her room to find her sleeping. She has a bandage around her head. All of us sat on the couch.

"Hyung the guys and I are going to discuss something we'll see you later" Jonghyun said waving at us.

"Hyung we're just going to buy some fruits for her. So when she waked up she has something to eat" Baekhyun together with Tao and Chen.

The only ones left in the room are Kris, Chanyeol, Mich and me.

"Umm Chris can we go outside and buy something I'm kinda hungry afterall I didn't quite eat at all."

"Okay" I assissted her to stand up before we go outside I informed the two of the men inside that were going out for a while.

That must be hard. A complete love triangle inside a room alone.

Their situation is very hard but I have faith on my sister.

I wonder what will happen?

Kris' POV

It pains me to see her in this state. The person I love...

What's worse is her fiance's here, my bestfriend. Honestly, I don't know how to face him.

"Tell me Kris do you like her?" Chanyeol asked not looking at me. I gaped at him. Disbelieving his forwardness.

"What if I say yes?" I don't where my confidence is coming from.

"One things for sure. I won't let you have her not only you but also from other men" he coldy replied. I can feel anger dripping in every word he say.

"I'll fight for her" I announced. Our frienship was on stake right now but I don't care. I just can't let him have her not this time.

"I'm sorry even though I know our friendship's at stake I won't let you have her" he walked pass me and he sat on Allyssa's bed staring at her.

A pang of jealousy suddenly hit me. I was supposed to be the one doing that.

Seconds later Allyssa's eyes fluttered open. When she realized Chanyeol was infront of her a tear escaped from her eye.

"Why?" she asked and dozed off. I quickly called the doctor. He told me to calm down because she just collapsed from having too much stress.

I looked at Chanyeol pain was visible in his eyes. We were both looking at her sleeping figure. Both realizing one thing...

I love her so damn much that I will sacrifice anything just for her to be mine.


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