Is this it? *o*

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*Allyssa's POV*

When Kris asked me abouth me not bringing Chanyeol here in France with me. I just gave him a vey casual lie but I hope he believes me. After that question popped we just stayed quiet. Later on, I hadn't noticed I had fallen asleep.

"Allyssa, wake up" I can feel someone poking my cheeks. When I opened my eyes. I instantly saw Kris' face near mine. </////<

"(-///////-)7 You were asleep so I decided to wake you up." He was kinda embarassed of what happened.

''Uh i-its okay" So I decided to come out the car and when I saw where were we it was magnificent.

"Is this it?" I asked Kris



"You don't like it?" He asked in a disappointed look

"Ofcourse I do, It looks great" Then I hugged him. When I realized what I did.I let go of him. 

One thing to describe the situation











"Umm. I'm sorry foor what I did I was just so happy"

"Nah! It's okay"

We went inside. We went to all the rides. It was so fun.

Then we went to the roller coaster. 

"Uhh Kris can we skip this ride?" I asked Kris

"No I want this ride" 



"Well then, you go the ride alone" I said

"No you come with me"

Then he held my hand and pulled me inside the ride.


What the heck is happening to me. Why am I feeling this awkward feeling. My mind told me to ask Kris to let go my arm but my heart asked me not ask him to let go of my heart.

Next thing I know. The ride started.

After the ride. I was in a horrible state. I even puked because of it.

but Kris just..............................................................................


'Yah! Stop laughing nothing's funny'' I was so mad I walked out on him.

"Hey Allyssa I'm sorry I didn't mean it" he chased after me

"Please, I'm sorry, I wouldn't do that anymore" He begged for my forgiveness


"Well then let's go to the hunted house"

With that statement my mouth literally hang open.

"NONONONONONONONONONO I ain't going in there" I didn't want to go in there because of the bad memeries I got from the last time I went inside a hunted house


Chanyeol and I decided to go to an amusement park. We went inside a hunted house. When we were in the middle of the ride. Something horrible happened.

The ride stopped so we were left there in the middle of the ride in a bad state. Noy only that the monsters continued to scare us. When we were out the ride. We complained why were there technical difficulties. but they answered.

"It wasn't a techinical difficulty it was really a part of the ride"

I was so angry I left them including Chanyeol and went home alone.

If that amusement park wasn't just the only amusement park in Korea. I would automatically shut that damn amusement park. I know its a low reason but its there fault.

The power of having money.

Flashbacks  ends

"Hey your spacing out again" I just came back to reality when Kris talked



"Can we just not go to this ride. Pleasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssse"


So I had no choice but to go inside.

This ride is much more scary than the one Chanyeol and I went in to. 

Its way darker.

Its creepier

Its scarier

Then we suddenly bumped to someone.



The tow girls said. Cause they landed on their butt.

"Sorry" was the only thing I said 

"Sorry girls about what happened" Kris said and helped them stand up

"It's ok- WHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH" because when the girl looked up and saw Kris' gace she started screaming. But there was no one.

"AREN'T YOU KRIS FROM EXO" she started screaming

"Uh Yes" Kris said

"Hi! i'm Julia this is Hannah my friend"

"Hi" Kris said


"YES" Hannah also squeeled =_=

"Umm. This is Allyssa my-" then Kris was cutted of by Julia


"No" Kris and i said in unison.

"She's my friend" Kris continued what he said earlier

"Can we be friends?" Julia and Hannah said

"Okay?" I said in a questioning tone. Really this girls are irrittating me =__=

Then suddenly I saw a zombie behind Hannah and Julia. 

"Uhh Th-theres a z-zo-zombie behind you" I said then i find it hard to breathe alredy.

'Allyssa are you okay?" Kris asked

"I-I ca-can' breathe"

Then the next thing I know I everything went black.

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