Sleepover (Part 1)

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*Allyssa's POV*

After they left I prepared all the things we will be needing. I just ignored what my brother said. He's just going to mess with my head if he continues THE TALK.

I took out bags of popcorns, chips, sodas and some snack we usually eat if we have a sleepover.

If your asking where my brother is. He's in his room watching ...................................................................


I totally forgot! I have to prepare dinner cause they're going to arrive in an hour. Its just 5 in the afternoon.

What am I suppose to prepare them. ?_?

I know!!!!!!!!!!!!

An hour later

"We're back you!" Janella shouted

"Welcome back" I welcomed them with a smile

"What's cooking?" Jonghyun said

"That is a SECRET" I said in a teasing manner

"Your so bad" Jonghyun said and pouted

awww he looks so handsome! *0*

Allyssa snap out of it! What is wrong with you?!

"EHEM" I was brought back to reality when Jonghyun fake coughed

"Enjoy what you're seeing, Honey?" Jonghyun said

"Shut up" I said

"EHEM EHEM EHEM" the people around us said.I looked at them and their eyes were like let-us-in-stop-flirting-in-front-of-us look

"Everybody come in" I said. All of them went inside and sat on my couch like it's their house.

I opened the TV so they have something to do. Anyway, they can use our XBOX or whatever gadgets they would love to use.

"Hey Allyssa do you have the latest game here in your XBOX?'' Chen asked

"Yup" I happily replied

"Allyssa, I'm hungry" Tao and Janella said at the same time

"Okay we're going to eat. I'm just going to call Chris hyung upstairs" I said pointing to the stairs. Everyone nodded in response.

I went upstairs and knocked on my brother's door

There was no response . So, I decided to go inside. I was surprised of what I saw. I saw my brother.........................................................................................................


"Yah Chris hyung dinner is ready!" I shouted but still he wouldn't wake up. So, I decided to get some water from the sink and pour it to him.

I poured it in his face and he abruptly sat down and screamed

"WHAT THE HELL ALLYSSA JUNG" he said. I think his mad screw that he is mad

"You wouln't wake up" I said almost crying

"BUT THROWING WATER ON ME IS A GOOD WAY ON WAKING ME UP"  he shouted infront of my face.

"Sorry" was the only thing I said before leaving his room. I ran to my room and locked it.

I started crying. It wasn't my intention to make him mad I just wanted to wake him up.

*Chris' POV*

"Sorry" was the last thing she mouthed before running away from my room.


Why did I shout at her. Of all the things she hated; SHouting at her was the most she hated. Damn it!

I went downstairs to check if she was there.

"Chris hyung what happened we heard your shouting?" Kris asked

"Nothing important" I said

''Whers's Allyssa? We're hungry" Baekhyun said while pouting

"*sigh I accidentaly shouted at her. She hates people shouting at her. So now she's mad at me" I explained them

"So that explains your wet shirt" Janella said?

"I get it now! She threw water on you while you were sleeping so you can wake up." Onew said

*sigh* Now she's mad at me. What shall I do. She'll hate me. So, I decided to go to where her room was located. I was about to go upstairs when Julia said something.

"Can we go with you?" she said

"Sure" and we all went upstairs to where her room was located.

I was standing outside her door when I heard her sobs. *Frustrated sigh

I started knocking. She wouldn't so I tried to turn her door knob but it's locked.

"Allyssa, open the door" I said

"GO AWAY! i DON'T NEED YOU!" she shouted

"I'm sorry" I said

"I HATE YOU!" she screamed

"She's so naive" Kris said

"Kris can you talk to her for-" I was cutted of



"Come on, Allyssa, I'm sorry, I was just shocked of what happened. Please forgive me" I said


"Allyssa" Julia said


"Allyssa if you don't come out this instant I'm going to destroy your freaking door" Onew shouted. Kris just shooked his head.


"Come on Allyssa! I'm hungry I mean we're hungry" Tao said

After 2 hours of waiting outside her door she finally opened her door.

"Allyssa! Thank goodness you came out. We're starving" Tao said

"Then, let's go eat" she said in a cheerful voice. She walked passed by me.

Now I know she's really mad. Oh boy! i have so many things to do so Allyssa can forgive me.

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