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I laid with my hands behind my head staring up at the ceiling. How did I let one person affect my mood so much?

The distant sound of cars driving past filled my ears. I liked to think in the dark, in the quiet.

"So, you from around here?" I asked.

"No actually, I'm from Texas." She smiled and I looked over her facial features. She had a smile so bright and so beautiful, that it could light up a dark room. And her eyes, a beautiful hazel tint. The accents of green made her eyes really pop.

"Ahh, I'm from New York. Brooklyn to be exact."

"How'd you end up in ATL?"

"Work. You?"


"So, why isn't your husband out with you tonight?... If you don't mind me asking." I quickly added.

She scoffed. "You offered to buy me a drink so we could discuss my husband?"

I put my hands up in surrender and laughed. "Damn, girl. I was just asking."

She smirked and downed the rest of her drink. "Thank you uhhh...?"


"Right. Thank you, Shawn, for the drink but, I'm going to go." She slid down from the stool and stumbled to her feet. I smiled as I watched her walk away, most likely to find her friends.

I smiled as I reminisced. A part of me wishes I just walked away and never looked back... But, I did.

I looked back, turned around, and chased her.


"Do you like this one or this one?" I asked Roman holding up 2 dresses.

He had his face in his phone and briefly looked up. "I like the black and gold one." Then, he looked back down.

I rolled my eyes. "You didn't even look for 2 seconds."

"I didn't have to, you look beautiful in anything."

I know he was just saying that to shut me up but I blushed anyway. "Thanks, babe."

We're getting ready to go to this party his company is hosting. I don't know what it's for but say 'party' and I'm in.

I finished getting dressed after keeping him waiting.

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