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The day was here, the day we'd all been dreading. Everything has been going well throughout my pregnancy, but here is what really mattered; Delivery.

"Hold on, baby, let me get your bag." Jay said running back up the steps.

I wasn't hysterical, or extra in any way. I was surprisingly calm, on the outside anyway.

In my head, I was screaming and running around like a headless chicken.

"Alright, I got it." He threw it over his shoulder and grabbed my hand. "Let's go."

We got into his car and he held my hand the whole time. "Don't stress it, okay?"

"Okay." I mumbled.

We finally got to the hospital and signed in. "You can come on back, we have a free room." She opened the door and handed me a robe. "You can get undressed and make yourselves at home."

When she left I got undressed and got in the bed with my phone. "I'm going to take a nap." I told Jay. He nodded and kissed my head before pulling a chair up next to me. I rested my hand on his head, rubbing his waves until I fell asleep.

Sleep was short lived, I felt a sharp pain shoot up through my back. "FUCK!" I yelled out.

Jay jumped up. "What? What's up?" He panicked.

"Contractions," I reminded.

"Are they supposed to hurt like that?" He asked.

"I don't know babe. I've never been through this. Everything has been going well so hopefully it is normal."

"I hope so too." He rubbed my stomach and started whispering to the baby.

I don't what he said to my son, but it hurt. I could feel my cervix ripping itself open, and it is not a pleasurable feeling.

Every time caused me to scream out.

Soon the doctors walked in and put gloves on. "Hello, Ms. Knowles."

"Hi." I groaned.

"How are you?"

"I'm hot and hungry."

"Yeah, it's always weird for moms who have their water break in the middle of the night like this. I'm sorry but you can't eat, I can offer you some ice."

"Please!" I all but yelled. "Jay go get some ice for me babe."

He nodded and left the room.

"Let's see how far you are." The doctor spread my legs and lifted my robe. He inserted his finger and felt around. "I'll say 4, maybe 5 centimeters."

I sighed. "I'm going to be in labor forever."

"Not necessarily." He chuckled. "Let's hook up the heartbeat monitor real quick."

"I got your ice, I even found some sugar cubes." Jay said walking back in.

"I don't want any sugar cubes, I ain't no damn horse."

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