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I left the room maybe 20 minutes after Shawn did. I had to get myself together before going home to my husband. I don't know if my plan was to get him here to fuck and make up or what. But, it definitely didn't work.

I pulled up to McDonald's to get a Carmel frappé and some fries. I'm not really hungry, I just need something to relax my nerves.

After driving for a few more minutes, I parked my car in the driveway and got out. I walked into my house throwing my purse and keys down and taking my fries and frappé to the kitchen. "Roman?" I called but I didn't hear anything so I shrugged and kept walking to our bedroom.

I opened the door and Roman threw his phone down and covered his hard on. "What are you doing?" I asked making a face. I know he is not in here jacking off.

"Nothing babe, I ain't think you was going to be home so early."

"So you're beating your dick to porn?"

He didn't say anything, like he was thinking. Then, he nodded. "Yeah, yeah. That's it." He chuckled.

"Why didn't you just-" I started but then I heard mumbling from his phone.

"Roman! You done already?" The female's voice said.

"I didn't know porn hub knew your name..." I said raising my eyebrows.

"It's not even like that."

"Flip your phone over, Roman."

"You know what?" He asked and got up. "Yeah, I was in here having phone sex with my girl." He shrugged as he put some sweatpants on.

I scoffed. "Oh really?"

"Yeah," He flipped his phone over and my heart sank. It was a picture of him and Kelly with the contact name 'future wifey'.

"You've got to be kidding me." My voice started breaking.

"And that's not all. I love her, and I'm going to be with her." He said boldly.

"Wow Roman, I don't know what to say really."

"Don't say anything. I'd rather not go there with you." He laughed, pointing at me.

"And go where exactly?"

"You've been cheating on me way longer than I've been cheating on you."

"Does it really matter? Two wrongs do not make a right."

"You sitting here acting like you holier than thou but you're not." He laughed. "I've been knowing this for a while. It's amazing to me how you could come from screwing your side nigga and smile in my face."

I shook my head trying to stop the tears. Why am I crying? I knew this was going to happen one day. "Roman-"

"No, I've been wanting to bust you for a while but I have to give it to you, you are pretty slick. I waited for you to slip up but you never did. But, seriously, how dumb do you think I am? Your trifling ass was fucking him while we was on the phone and shit. When you was supposed to be with your girls, you were with him. I played the victim for a while until I had enough, said 'fuck it' and got me some new booty."

At this point, I felt like complete trash. He already started packing and everything.

"Your ass ain't even home enough to realize I've been packing for the past month. But listen, no hard feelings babe." He pulled his ring from his pocket and placed it in the palm of my hand. "I really did love you, Bey." He kissed my lips for the last time and started walking away.

"I'm sorry, Roman. I swear everything I felt for you was true. I love you so much and if I could do it all over again, I wouldn't have gotten involved with him." I wiped my face and watch him shake his head. "We can make this right." I whispered. I cannot lose both of the men in my life. He laughed again and kept following him all the way to the front door. "Roman, I'm sorry!" I tried to grab his shoulder but he shrugged my hand off.

"Don't trip." Was the last thing he said before exiting the house completely. And I broke down for the second time today. I really can only be mad at myself, I've been dreading this day since the first time Jay and I slept together.

I picked up my phone and called Kelly. "Hello?"

"All this time... All this time, you was fucking my husband?"

"Oh damn. We didn't want you to find out this way but uh I'm sorry. And, I heard your little speech," She stopped to laugh. "It was cute. You almost made me feel bad for you."

"Fuck you, I thought we was family. How could you?"

"One day you told Roman you were with me so he came looking for you, I told him the truth. I told him you've been fucking around for years. He felt bad blah blah blah. One thing led to another and we ended up fucking. I couldn't sit around and watch you hurt him anymore."

"Wow!" I scoffed. "I can't believe this shit." I hung up on her. And launched my phone across the room. They must've been plotting on me this whole time. Her, Kim, Shawn, and Roman. I wonder if Nicki knew. "Fuck!" I screamed and cried. "Why does it hurt so much?" I asked out loud. "I knew it was coming, right?" I have to keep reminding myself that this is nobody's fault but mine.

I ran to the bathroom and slammed the door. After I was finished I looked in the toilet and realized it was blood. "Jesus Christ."

I picked my purse up and went to get my phone. When I threw it hit the wall and knocked a picture down. I slowly flipped over the frame. It was our wedding picture. It now had a crack splitting us apart. If that ain't God.

Placing it back on the ground, I grabbed my phone and left. I can't stay here, not now.

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