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Kelly called me last night to see if I could meet her for lunch. I wasn't going to respond until Jay made me. He said that I needed closure and blah blah blah.

I don't think so, but I'll go just to hear what bullshit she has to say.

As I walked into the diner, I spotted Kelly sitting at a booth in the corner. Although I could only see her profile, I could still see her black eye from all the way over here.

"Damn." I mumbled as I looked at her face at a closer distance.

When she saw me she sat up straight. "Beyoncé."

"Kelendria." I rolled my eyes and placed my bag down.

She sipped her drink and started talking. "I wanted to come and talk to you woman to woman."

"I didn't really want to come. I advise you to talk now, before I get heated." I warned.

She sighed. "I don't apologize for what happened, but I do apologize for how it happened."

My face scrunched up after the first 3 words. I was about to say something, but she continued.

"That was a really fucked up thing for me to do. I felt bad because you were cheating on him and I wanted to teach you a lesson, at first. Then it became real, our feelings became real."

My face went from a mug to a harder mug as she went on.

"I know this sounds even more fucked up, but I love him. And I'm not sorry for falling in love... thank you for helping me find my soulmate."

I got so mad, I was ready to punch the shit out of her. "Are you done?"

She nervously bit her lip and nodded. "Great." I grabbed my Birkin bag and slapped her with it on my way out. "Stupid ass bitch."


"Nicki, guess what this bitch said."


"All this shit about how she love him and she not sorry for falling in love. This BITCH had the nerve to thank me for helping her find her soulmate."

"Uh uh! Where the fuck she at?"

"Stop... I'm done with her now. I never have to see her again and if I do I might kill her."

"She really low down and dirty for that shit. Let me not get started."

"Please don't. We don't need this right now." I laughed.


"Kim, no. I'm trying to let you down easy but you're making it hard." I said rolling my eyes.

"I don't understand." She said in her stupid, annoying voice.

"No surprise there."

"Just give it to me straight."

"I don't want to be with you, okay? I never did. I only did it to get under Beyoncé's skin."

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