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"Nicki." I cried into the phone.

"What's wrong, Bey?"

"Did you know?"

"Know what? What are you talking about?" She asked and she really sounded confused.

"About Kelly and Roman."

"Oh hell No... They're like messing around or something?"

"Yes. You swear you didn't know?"

"I put it on everything." She said seriously.

"Thanks, I'll call you later."

I cried as I drove all the way to Shawn's house. I know this should be the last place I show my face but, I need someone. Not just anyone, I need Shawn Carter.

I got out and wiped my tears trying to calm my nerves. After I knocked, I wiped my hands on my shirt. I saw the door opening and my breath got caught in my throat.

"What the hell? Why are you here?"

I rolled my eyes. "Please, Kimberly, not now. I need to talk to Shawn."

"Mhm." She said turning her nose up. "Shawn, baby, you have a visitor!"

After a few seconds, Shawn was coming to the door. "What's up? Why you here?"

I wanted to roll my eyes again but, I didn't. "I-I need someone to talk to."

"I can recommend a therapist."

"Shawn, you know what I mean."

He sighed and opened the door wider. "Come on." I walked past Kim and went to the living room. "Kim go upstairs." Her jaw dropped and he pointed to the stairs. She did as he said and scurried away.


I took a deep breath. "Roman was cheating on me."

"Are you serious?" He asked with a straight face.


After a pause, he laughed. "Wow. Oh boo hoo. Cheating wife comes crying to her side piece because her husband was cheating on her too. That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard. You deserve everything coming to you."

"That's not all."


"He was cheating on me with Kelly... My best friend, my sister."

"That's actually fucked up. But, I don't know what you expect me to say, honestly."

"That you forgive me."

He laughed again. "We both know that's not happening. You was quick to drop me for that nigga and now that he don't want you, you want me again?"

"I'm not begging you to be with me."

"Then what do you want?"

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