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"Biiiitchhhh, guess the fuck what!" I yelled to Kelly and Nicki as I marched up to them on the roof top.

"What?" The both asked at the same time. I took a deep breath trying to stay calm but it wasn't working.

"Kim is fucking with Jay!"

"Un un! That trifling ass hoe!" Nicki said clapping and standing up.

"Bey, how are you mad, babe? Why can't two single people have some fun and live their lives?" Kelly said softly.

"Bitch, I don't care who she fucks. Why she gotta fuck what I'm fucking?... Or was fucking. You feel me?" I put my head in my hands and sighed. "She was supposed to be my 'friend'" I said putting air quotes on friend.

"You didn't even like her." Nicki put out there.

"Shut up."

"Look Bey, I feel you but, you're married. You can't be mad at them. I say you just say fuck them both and keep it moving." Kelly suggested.

"That's a good idea and all but we all know I can't say 'fuck jay' and move on."

"You're married, focus on Roman." She repeated.

"Can't do that either, apparently nobody even knows we're married so I might as well act like it."


"Wait a minute, girl, calm down." Nicki said grabbing her.

"No, she needs to hear this."

I sat down in the chair and held my chin with one hand. "Please, let me know. Tell me about myself. Tell me how I'm a hoe, tell me how I'm a disgrace, tell me how I should appreciate what I have. Please, I've heard it all. Don't hold back." I said calmly.

"I've supported your hoeing for much to long. I have lied to your husband for you, I was always there. I saw how you played... I thought you were done. What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I thought I was done too but after seeing him with Kim, it made me realize I'm not done. And-" I stopped myself and mugged her. "I don't need to explain shit to nobody. Fuck you, Kelendria."

"Bey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to come out as harsh."

"No, I don't care, fuck you. And fuck you too." I said to Nicki.

"Bitch, what the fuck did I do?"

"Nothing but it helped with my dramatic exit... That you just fucked up." I rolled my eyes. "I'm leaving."

I went to my office and picked up my phone.
"Come to the Raven Springs Hotel at 4. Room 143, the door will be open." I read over the message. I'm scared to send it... I pushed all negative thoughts away and pressed send.

I walked into the hotel room and sat down, waiting for Jay. After waiting and waiting I thought he wasn't coming. I looked at the clock, 5:17pm.

I was just about to get up and leave but he came strolling through the door.

"Jay-" I said starting to get up.

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