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Today I am being released from the hospital. Oddly enough, Jay stayed with me the entire time. "Ms. Knowles, we have to wheel you out. Is that okay?"

"I guess so." I said softly.

The nurse proceeded to help me into the wheel chair. "Make sure you take good care of yourself." She said once we reached Jay's car.

"I'll try."

"Thank you so much." Jay said after he helped me into the car.

He started driving and he touched my thigh. "I'm taking you to my house."

"It's fine, you can take me home."

"No, I will take care of you."

I slightly smiled. "Okay."

After another pause he spoke again. "I was mad at you..."

I didn't know how to respond so I just waited for him to continue.

"I was mad that you were married and it wasn't to me. I wanted to be with but you kept me on the side. I wanted us to start our own family, far away from here. When you broke things off, I got even more mad. And that's when I started doing things out of spite."

"Kim?" I asked softly and he nodded. "That's messed up." I said more so to myself. I know I have no room to speak about what is messed up though.

"But, I didn't know Kelly was... you know..."

"I get it."

"Yeah, so I felt like you deserved it. Until this. It has made me realize how much I really do care about you. I want to look past everything you've done, and I want you to look past everything I've done..."

I nodded feeling the tears burn my eyes. "You still want to be with me?"

"Yeah." He nodded. "If you are ready to let Roman go." He quickly added.

"I am."

It felt great to know someone still cares. Maybe this is God giving me another chance.

I have to be careful what I do and who I associate with.

"Good." He finally said.


We got to Jay's house and he helped me out. "You got it?" He asked.

I nodded and walked slowly to his front door.

Once we were in and situated he laid next to me in his guest bedroom.

"I don't know what to do." I said randomly. "Do I get an abortion and kill my baby? Do I risk having the baby and let myself die?"

"Don't forget, you have a chance that both of you survive."

"Like .000002%, Jay." I exaggerated.

He chuckled. "Don't do that."

"So you're saying I should take the chance?"

"Yes." He responded immediately.

"But what if we both die, Jay?" I asked tearing up.

"You got this whole pregnancy to live your life."

"It's a lose-lose-lose-win. If my baby dies I'll be crushed, if I die they'll be crushed, if we both die... but if we both live I should be good?"

"Stop thinking about it so much."


"Jay, put me down!" I screamed through my laughter.

"Are you done crying?"

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