A New World

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The pull

Chapter 33: A New World

Isabella's P.O.V.

The pain had finally ended after what felt like it had exploded through my chest. A moment later i opened my eyes. i thought about sitting up to look around since Jasper had told me everything would look different through my new eyes. the exact millisecond that i thought of it i was already sitting upright in the bed. This startled me a little bit, i knew i would be fast but i didn't realize i would be this fast and it wasn't a choice to be it was subconscious. while part of my mind was thinking about my speed, another part of my mind was focusing on what i could see around me.

As i looked around the room i could see a few rays of sunlight coming in through the open window. in the rays of sunlight i could see dust particles, they reflected all the colors of the rainbow and even a few i had never seen before. i could see every grain in the wooden floor panels. i could see every fiber that made up the fabric of the bed spread. across the room near the door stood Jasper. He was even more beautiful than i had known before. while part of my brain was taking in how handsome he was, another part of realized his neck and fore arms were covered in crescent shaped scars just like the one on my wrist. While part of me knew that they were from the newborns he had trained in the past and he would never hurt me, another part of my brain was screaming DANGER! As i was trying to push that thought to the back of my mind i heard Jasper speak.

"Isabella?" my head snapped in his direction. he sounded like Jasper but his voice was different, more clear. "Jasper" I started to say and then i gasped. my voice had changed, it was slightly higher pitched and it had the cadence of bells or maybe wind chimes. "Are you ok darlin? its just me Jasper" He said after a moment. I thought about what he was asking, he probably thought i was freaking out like every other newborn would. i wasn't though just adjusting. "I know its you babe, i could never forget you! i am ok.. really i'm great , just taking it all in trying to get used to all the changes. i am not going to freak out so where ever the rest of the family is they can come in now." i told him in my new confident sing song voice. that would take some getting used to but then again , i do have forever to adjust.

Slowly the rest of the family came into the room. they all had huge smiles on their faces, it seemed like they were all just as happy that i was finally one of them as i was. "Welcome to the family Bella."Esme said while Carlisle nodded and wrapped his arm around her waist. "thanks mom." i replied. Then Emmett and Rosalie came into he room holding hands "You look beautiful Isabella" she said. i rolled my eyes and said "yeah right rose , thanks though" with a laugh. That's when Alice and Charlotte walked in followed by Liam and Peter. "She is right you know" Alice said. i started o shake m head when Charlotte said "No really Isabella, come with me." i did what was told and let her lead me across the room to a large full length mirror.

when i looked into the mirror i gasped and my hand flew to my mouth. "oh my god!" i said slowly with my sing song voice that seemed to match the girl i was looking at. I wasn't even sure I was in the body that the mirror showed, it looked nothing like me. i mean yeah some of the facial features were the same but that was about it. my hair was completely different in both length and color, i was taller than i ever thought i could be, my body had finally 'developed' and then there were my eyes. yes i knew that they would be red but nothing i had been told could prepare me for what i was seeing. I wasnt freaking out that bad though, i loved all of the changes. it just reinforced the fact that i had been made into exactly what i was born to be... A Vampire.

A/N: i know this chapter is really short but i will update again this weekend and it will envolve Bella's first hunt , i promise it will be longer and may even involve her gift. so let me know what you think , this chapter was not my favorite but it was a needed filler chapter that had to happen even though it is very over done. sorry about that .. i will do better next time. as always leave me a comment please.

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