Searching for Answers

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A/N: ok I know I haven't updated in forever and I am sorry .. real life got in the way again but I am back! this chapter is not very exciting mostly a filler / build up for the next chapter where you will find out whats going on with Bella .. I am hoping to have that written by the end of the week .. one more thing I really need a beta or a proof reader so if anyone is interested pm me and let me know.. I hope you like the chapter and as always vote or comment and let me know what you think! 

The Pull

chapter 37: Searching for Answers

Jasper's P.O.V.

After a lot of convincing, Isabella reluctantly agreed to go up to our room to relax. I couldn't wait to join her and make sure she was ok, but first I needed to call Carlisle. I walked out into the back yard and took my phone out of my pocket. I quickly dialed the number and wait what felt like forever while the call connected and rang once.

"Hello son, its so good to hear from you so soon. how is everyone?" Carlisle said when he answered. "not good. Carlisle I need you to come back up here as soon as possible." I told him. "Why? What has happened, jasper?" He questioned. I took a deep unneeded breath. "Its Isabella, something is wrong with her. She went hunting with Rose while I was in town with Emmett and Peter." "What happened? did she slip up?" He interrupted me to ask. "No it wasn't a human. But rose said that on their way back Isabella started throwing up all the blood." I told him. "I see, that is odd." was all he said. "so what do you think? have you ever herd of that?" I asked. praying to whoever would listen that Carlisle would know what to do. I could hear the sadness in his voice as he said. " I'm sorry son. I have never herd of  vampire vomiting blood before. but Esme and I will be there by noon tomorrow and we will figure this out." "see you tomorrow then." I said before hanging up.

I was about to go back inside when my phone rang. I glanced at the caller id before answering. "please tell me you had a vision!" I said. "well its nice to hear from you too, Jasper!" she said. "Yeah.. yeah.. funny, Alice. now what did you see?" I growled. maybe I was being a bit rude but my mate is in danger so I don't really have time to worry about pleasantries. " Oh calm down. Bella is going to be fine. Liam and I are boarding our flight right now. I will explain everything when we get there tomorrow afternoon. " she told me. "thanks, Alice" I said before she hung up.

I was still worried about Isabella but I felt better knowing that Carlisle will be here to find out what is going on with her. I mean I never bet against Alice but when it comes to the safety of my mate I would rather have a backup plan than rely on blind faith.

Finally I headed inside to check on Isabella.


Bella's P.O.V.

I don't understand why everyone is freaking out like there is something horribly wrong with me. I mean I probably just have the flu or something. its really no big deal, I have been sick lots of times. ok I will admit that all of those times were while I was still human and they were right I have never heard of a sick vampire, I mean that's why some people get turned - to save their lives from some horrible illness. so maybe they are right. something is wrong with me if I m throwing up blood but maybe there was something wrong with that mountain lion, maybe that's why I got sick.

my thoughts were interrupted when Jasper came into the room. He walked over to where I was sitting on the bed. " how you feeling, Darlin?" He asked brushing a strand of hair behind my ear. I couldn't help it I started laughing hysterically. Jasper just starred at me, looking very confused. "whats so funny?" he asked. "Well my empath mate just asked me how I am feeling... kind of ironic, don't you think?" I giggled. " just because I can feel your emotions doesn't mean that I don't want to talk about how you think your feeling." he said with a small smile.

"Ok... I feel fine, really. I think maybe the mountain lion I drank from was ill and maybe that's what made me get sick." I told him. there was a moment of silence before he said. "possibly but regardless Carlisle and Esme will be here tomorrow at noon. Carlisle can check you over and make sure its not something more serious. and Liam and Alice will be here in the afternoon. Alice had a vision. She says you will be ok and she can explain everything when they get here."

I was happy the family would soon be back together again.


 Alice's P.O.V.

It was a long flight from France back to the states. luckily Wednesday was an uncommon day to fly so we had first class all to our selves and Liam and I could talk freely with out worrying about humans overhearing us. we had discussed the possibility of Bella's condition many times since her change.

"Liam,, we will need to tell them about your gift. there is no other way to explain what is happening."

I told him. "I know, Ali. its not that I wanted to hide it from them. its just that the more people who know about it the more dangerous it is for me and now possibly Bella as well." he said sadly.  

" I know, Dear. Trust me, I will do everything in my power to protect the two of you from being used for your gifts." I told him and the rest of the flight was spent in silence.

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