The Hunt

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The Pull

Chapter 34: The Hunt

"How are you feeling Isabella?" Carlisle asked walking slowly over to where Charlotte and i were still standing by the mirror. "I feel fantastic!" i said smiling as i turned away from my own reflection to look at his worried expression. "what's wrong Carlisle?" He gave me a small smile "Nothing is wrong, per say. i am just worried about how short a time you change took." he told me. Well that confused me, i had no idea what he was talking about.

"What the hell are you talking about 'short time'? it felt like i was burning forever and the pain was so much worse than when James bit me." i practically yelled, shocking myself with my own out burst. "Sorry Carlisle, i didn't mean to..." "Its ok Bella, its hard to control your emotions at first. i only meant that most transforming vampires burn for three whole days but your change only took a day and a half." He explained. "Oh." was all i could say at the moment, i was shocked by this new information. "it felt like so much longer." He nodded. "Pain does funny things to the mind."

Jasper stepped forward. " i think its more than that, Carlisle. While i have never see anyone transform so quickly, i have also never also never felt anyone go through such intense pain. it felt like i was experiencing the transformation of ten vampires instead of just one." he said while looking intensely at me. "Oh my you poor thing, i cant even imagine." Esme said quietly, looking as if she would be crying if only she could. Carlisle wrapped his arm around her shoulders as he said. " Well that is interesting, could be a side effect of so many different venoms or might have something to do with her split soul. most likely a combination of the two..." he trailed off.

To be honest i wasn't really listening. the reason for it wasn't important and i was much too busy starring at Jasper. Admiring the aspects of his beauty that were hidden from my human eyes, that i was seeing now for the first time. "Aren't you thirsty, Darlin?" Jasper asked. His southern drawl was even more prominent to my intensified senses. Until that moment, i hadn't thought about my thirst. but now that he brought it up, i did. i felt the burning sensation at the back of my throat. It started out feeling like i had drank some really hot coffee but the more i thought about it, the worse it got. Soon it felt like someone stuck a red hot branding iron down my throat. so i brought my hand to my throat to try to soothe the fire, it did nothing.

"Sorry Darlin, but you need to feed.. Why don't we go for a hunt, just you and me?" Jasper asked holding out his hand to me. i was about to take his hand, when Carlisle stepped forward. "Are you sure that it is a good idea to go alone?" He said. Jasper quickly moved me so i was behind him. "Are you trying to say that i can't handle my mate because thrust me Carlisle, if anyone can its me!" He growled at our father figure. Well that escalated quickly, i thought. "Everything will be ok, Carlisle. Jaz no one is doubting your abilities. i think he was more worried about Edward finding our location and targeting you two." Alice said. "You think i cant handle Edward?" Jasper growled.

I had to stop this, but how? i was so thirsty, Jasper was right, i need to hunt. Then i remembered something. it was a human memory , so it was blurry but it could help me now.

**~** Flash Back **~**

"In the south we fought for territory , hunting grounds, Maria wanted an army of newborns to fight her battles because our kind is strongest in our first year of this life."

**~** End Flash Back **~**

Peter had been telling me about Jasper's past but i am sure the same thing is true today.
 I quickly grabbed Jasper's hand and before he could react, i ran as fast as i could out of the house, dragging him with me.

"What the hell, Isabella?" Jasper drawled. "You said, you could feel how thirsty i am. Well you stupid argument with Alice and Carlisle was doing nothing to satisfy my thirst. You wanted to go for my first hunt, just the two of us so lets go!" i said as calm as i could manage, considering the frenzy my thirst was causing inside me. Jasper laughed at my rant. "Ok darlin, we will go for a hunt now. Just don't make a habit of dragging me around like a rag doll." he said as he took my hand.

Less than a second later we were running through the forest together. Being a vampire was so amazing. Everything was so beautiful and i could see it all. The forest floor, the trees, the dew drops on a spider's web, the sun light shinning down through the tree tops dancing across Jasper's skin  and making him almost glow and he runs next to me. The feeling i got when i realized that i could do all of this while running at vampire speed in high heels was beyond words.

i kicked off the heels, pushing myself to go even faster. passing Jasper quickly, i loved the feeling of the wind on my face as i practically flew through the forest.

i had almost forgotten my thirst when i smelled it. A deep earthy smell but it made my mouth water. without even thinking i stopped immediately and crouched low in the grass, starring at the animal across from me, doing the same. A few seconds later Jasper was next to me in the grass. "Ah. a deer, always a good choice for a first hunt. They don't taste that great but they are easy." He said at vampire speed so the animals wouldn't hear. i just shook my head. i hadn't even seen the deer until he mentioned it. no the smell that had stopped me in my tracks belonged to the large black cat that was stalking the deer. it was a Jaguar, i could tell by the spots. It was a majestic beast, so much so, had it not smelled so delicious i would have never even thought of harming it.

i took an unneeded deep breath then launched myself at the Jaguar, landing on its muscular back. it fought back of course but even with its razor sharp claws and the ability to crush its preys scull with its teeth, it was no match for my vampire strength. i used strength to pin the Jaguar down and latch onto its neck in one fluid movement. as soon as my teeth pierced its skin and its sweet blood began to pour into my mouth, it was euphoric. the taste was so much more powerful and complex than anything i had ever ate as a human. the Jaguar's blood tasted like chocolate, oranges, apples, and... bacon - it was an amazing combination.

When i had drained the beast, i let its large limp body drop to the ground. i looked down at my own body which was covered in dirt and my dress was shredded. "Alice is going to me pissed." i said as i smiled up at Jasper. He laughed "She will get over it, besides i think you did remarkably well for your first hunt." He said while running his thumb across my bottom lip, before bringing it to his own mouth to taste the blood he had collected. i bit my lip as he smirked at me. " Have i told you yet just how sexy you look when you hunt?" he asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer.

A/N: this is the longest chapter i have written so far. i really hope you like it. before anyone tells me i am incorrect, i looked it up Jaguars do live in the southern u.s. they are not common but they do live there and they do eat deer, kind cool i thought... anyway let my know what you think leave a comment!

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