Chapter 5

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"Yes, Boss?" the voice warbled down the phone line.

"Could you ask the Manor to organize a table for two - in a secluded spot? I'm having dinner with Miss Lucy Falkwell."

There was an uncertain squeak of laughter. "Like falk well..?"

"Yes... Loosey falk well. Seriously. That's her name." An awkward silence ensued, before Alessandro sighed. "No she isn't a porn star."

"I wasn't wondering-"

"And could you organize someone to escort her?"

"Will do."

Alessandro had been heading into the Manor for the evening when he'd seen Lucy standing in reception. She'd been wearing a short purple jersey dress with its hood pulled up. It was completely covered in soot. He wanted to walk straight past her, but his feet had found a will of their own and had drawn him to a standstill behind her soot-sodden silhouette.

Even as he'd waited for a break in the conversation he had wondered why he was attracted. He'd worked with more than his fair share of beautiful women - it took more than a pair of remarkably green eyes coupled with stunning cheekbones to get him in a state.

He'd been in the entertainment industry for 17 years. Which had been far too long. When Alessandro had first begun there were no smartphones, celebrities had spilt blood, sweat, and tears to hone their craft and make an income. These days, people wanted money and success without the hard graft. Most newcomers preferred to leak intimate sex tapes of themselves so they could create reality shows from the fallout rather than take the old fashioned route.

He didn't watch reality shows out of principle. Perhaps he would have considered it, though, had they starred a leggy dreadlocked beauty - who'd been living off the grid - trying to cope with society.

If tonight's escapade was anything to go by, a good number of people at the Moonshine Manor would be tuning in. Especially if it involved more phone calls with her dad.

He'd seen the confusion playing across Lucy's face as she'd struggled to comprehend what most of the first world took for granted. Everyone in the foyer had strained forward, desperate to catch every word. It wasn't every day that a luxurious establishment like the Manor (and the older richer clientele) saw the likes of Lucy Falkwell.

Alessandro had taken pity on her. Of course, as soon as he'd walked away from her, he had realized it was a terrible idea inviting her to dinner. But Alessandro was a man of his word. He would see Lucy had enough to eat and then send her on her merry way. And by all means possible, he would avoid mentioning his name. He did not relish the idea of having to call security to frogmarch his date out.


He mulled on that. It wasn't a date as such. More of a charitable offering to a poor woman in need of a little comfort after her horrific day.

"Nigel," he added.

"Yes, Boss."

"Can you make sure they prepare my usual dinner for company?"

"Of course, Boss."

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