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"Art should comfort the disturbed, and disturb the comfortable"

I want to go to parties every weekend with my friends. I want to bunk school and go out for road trips in summer. I want to be surprised early in the morning by my friends on my birthday. I want a girlfriend who misses me every second I'm not next to her.
I just want to be a normal person, with a normal life.

Guess what? That's never going to happen. I made sure to never let that happen the second I was born. I was showered with overwhelming sentiments on my first day in Brundage High. People showed sympathy towards me, and wanted to be friends, but I knew that it was temporary. I felt that they were all trying to remind me of who I am. I chose loneliness, and I still regret it every second of my life.

Life in Brundage High is simple and boring. Prefect for a person for me. There is pretty much nothing here for me except for studies and art. Art. Art is everything to me. Every thing I see, hear, or feel is art. Each and every living thing is a masterpiece. A masterpiece made of stardust. Something that simply leaves me with awe.

Art doesn't just describe what we see, but it describes what we feel. A stroke of a paintbrush on a canvas itself can express many things. The canvas captures our thoughts, and the paint gives meaning to the thought.


The only girl I ever had a crush on was Jessie James. Her blonde her, with her pink attire and her blue eyes just brought out the perfect meaning of beauty. With just a flick of her hair, boys would fall in line for her. I wasn't the one to fall for looks. But I just couldn't figure out what got into me. She didn't even need to smile to make me fall in love with her.

It was only on the night of Jake Millers's grand party, her then boyfriend, that I came to my senses. She wore a blue sundress, with silver flip flops, and God, she looked dazzling as hell. I couldn't help myself. I just had to walk up to her and tell her how beautiful she was looking. So like a stupid moron, I confidently walked up to her, when she was busy talking to Jake and his friends, along with her two bodyguards, Melissa and Regina.

"Hey, um, uh, J-Jessie, I uh just wanted to tell you tha—", I swiftly started before she cut me off.
"What do you want, loser?"
"No I uh, just thought that I should tell you , uh—", I said tremblingly.
"Just be quick you mo—",
"That you're looking really really beautiful", I blurted out.

I took a deep breath after I blurted out, because I knew what was next. Jake began to move on towards me with a frown on his face, but Jessie put her hand on his chest motioning him to stop. Finally, she understands me.

"I don't need you to tell me that I'm pretty. I already know that, freak"

At that instant my fists tightened. The sound of the last word, freak, was still echoing in my ear. I couldn't control myself. I feared that I'd explode.
Everybody bursted to fits of laughter, where on the other hand my eyes were closed and I was sweating like hell. But then, another girl showed up and whispered something into Jessie's ears. They left the second Jessie motioned for them to leave.

She saved me from exploding. She saved me from turning to the freak that I actually am. I don't know who she was but I knew that whatever she whispered into Jessie's ears was for the purpose to prevent me from breaking down. She was my saviour, where on the other side it was very clear to me who the enemy was.

Apologies for the short chapter, but I'm just so excited to jump to the part where Murph and Dylan meet 🙈 and yes do feel free to tell me to keep my mouth shut because I so enjoy giving away spoilers 😂

Character : Jessie James, played by Bella Thorne

Song :  Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood.
I happened to stumble upon this song after a long long time, probably reminding me that it'll always be my favourite 💕

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