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Oh my god, sometimes I feel like killing my mom. Parents can be so annoying at times. They will twist and turn one tiny little thing into something so big that even you can't understand it. I love my mother, but at times she really gets to my nerves. I just hope that I am never like any of my parents.

I woke up late this morning because I was up all night yesterday in order to finish my project. Chris didn't really help out much. He just scribbled a few notes and sat on my bed irrespective of the number of times I had asked him to get down. Either way, we're both getting equal marks for the project anyways, so it doesn't really matter who did the maximum amount of work.

I had hardly opened my eyes, when I felt something jump on my chest. I screeched with a jump realising that it was little Sophie who was on top of me with a weird grin on her face. I frowned, and pretended to throw her off the bed, but she just got down and ran downstairs.

It was highly unusual hearing mom yell my name in the morning. What was more surprising was that it was 8 o'clock. I had never ever woken up that late. I quickly had a bath and went downstairs for breakfast.

Lucky that it was a Sunday or I would have totally missed school. I was really curious to know what had happened because now even mom was grinning. She asked me if there was something I wanted to tell her. I said no, asking her why she was asking me so.

A girl named Murph had called up. That last sentence was revolving around my head like a planet. I didn't even ask her why Murph called me. I was too busy reminiscing about our previous encounters.

The other day in the canteen, Murph came over to me inquiring about her diary. That is when I told her that it was her fault for crashing into me, which made her smile, I don't know why. I feel a bit guilty for lying to her about her diary. It was just so sudden that my mouth blurted out a lie, and I didn't even have time to take it back. I don't understand what made me tell her that I didn't have her diary, when the truth is that I do.

Mom finally gives me Murph's message, which clearly says that she wants me to come to the park today at 4 o'clock. The very instant I hear that I was about to walk up to my room. But then mom held me back and told me that I should go and meet her. She told me that good friends don't come easily. I shot back  by telling her that Murph wasn't my friend. I felt a slight punch in my stomach as I said that.

I don't know what her problem is. Mom doesn't even know Murph. She doesn't know the people Murph hangs out with. We had a long argument about whether I should go or not. For the first time in a long time mom yelled at me. She told me that now that I'm growing up, it is very important to have a few friends. She also told me that I hardly get an invitation for any sort of get together, and now that I do I should go there.

I tried to tell her that I didn't want to meet anyone. But she was being so insistent which was starting to make me angry. I was becoming red, and was pretty sure that I wasn't far from exploding. I looked over towards Sophie and saw a scared look on her face. I could feel tears forming in my eyes. I just ran upstairs and didn't look back.


It's twelve in the afternoon, and I'm just lying flat in my bed looking at the ceiling. I've been doing that for hours, thinking whether I should go or not. Every time I try to think of something else, Murph's face would appear on my mind.

Those beautiful eyes which you would want to stare at forever. That marvellous smile which will make you smile too. She's a person you can't resist.

I know it's really silly but something tells me that I should go and meet her. I'm also scared on the other hand. What if she has come to know that I have her diary? She would start hating me. Maybe she already does.

Maybe I shouldn't go. I mean we're not even friends, right? Why would she want to me someone like me? I get it we talked one or two times, but I don't think our relationship is anything more than that.

I turn to the other side of the bed and catch a glimpse of her diary. I get up and pick it up from the table. I run my hands through the pages, and I can literally get her smell. I know it sounds weird, but I could easily identify a person with his or her smell.

I don't want to give back her diary. It suddenly feels like that diary has become a part of me, and I don't want to let it go. But then, keeping it with me would make me feel equally guilty. I don't know what to do, I'm just going mad.


I don't know what has got into me. It is quarter to four, and I'm running down the street like a wild dog. I finally decided to go, and take the diary with me. Mom was right, I can't afford to lose a friend, especially someone like Murph. I just hope she's not too angry with me, or else I would not be able to forgive myself.

I walk through the gate, and survey the entire park. It is mostly filled with children and some middle aged women who are probably their mothers. I'm quite nervous, hell I didn't even know what to wear. It took me about ten minutes to figure out what to wear. I wore a pair of black jeans and a sweatshirt.

I look towards the empty benches, and I finally see her. She is just so beautiful. I nod my head and try to get those thoughts out of my head. She's reading a book, I can't really see the name of the book, but she looks pretty dissolved into it. I search my mind for any second thought, but I can't find any.

I take a deep breath and walk towards her. There are millions of things running in my mind. It's as though there is a stampede going on inside my head. So many things are just randomly moving about here and there.

Shit, she saw me. I think I'm going to run, but before I could even put that into action she rises up and waves at me. I walk near her, and I mouth a soft hey. She does the same. God, I think these atoms in my body are going to burst.


First of all I'd like to thank everyone who have showered me with their constant support. Being a winner in the Star Writing Awards contest couldn't have made me any happier. I promise to continue this story and fill everyone's hearts with joy!

Song : Shine by Years and Years


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2016 ⏰

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