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Why did this happen to me? Why me?
Once again, it had engulfed me from within. Its time I accept that I have become a part of this thought. Hell, it has become a part of me, and I couldn't get it out of my head. I was nothing but helpless. I guess I still haven't reached that point in my life where I can let go of things easily. And patience is what disgusts me.
Yes, you will obviously think what an impatient person I am . But I assure you that you'll be more astounded to know why I am like this. And dear god, I so hope no body suffers with this disorder. I have Asperger's Syndrome. If you don't know what that is, do get up from your cozy bed and check it in google. To be honest, I will feel happy, I will feel as though a burden has been lifted off of my head. Maybe I am disgusting after all. But then, I myself don't know who I am. I am oblivious to my own identity, and that's what baffles me the most.

Just another normal day, Dylan. But it isn't long till I realise its the first day of my senior year. Yeah right, another crappy year ahead. I hope it gets over soon. Can't wait till I graduate. Well, if I graduate.

I come out of the shower, and look at the clock realizing that I've spent 20 minutes in the shower. I quickly unwrap my towel, and put on a loose grey v-neck and a pair of black jeans. I pack my bag and head downstairs. I quickly plant a peck on Sophie's cheeks, and go to the kitchen. I hug mom telling her I'm leaving and am just about to open the door when mom says,
"Not again, Dyl. Its your first day, come on eat something and go, will you?".
I just nod and rush out leaving the door open. Strange, I know right? But that's just who I am.


I place my bicycle in the stand and lock it. St. Anderson's Public School. That's the name of my school. There are students of different categories in our school. Jocks, musicians, geeks, cheerleaders, and well, freaks like me. The thing is, in our school, unless you're rivals with someone since day 1 or if you're not the best of best friends, nobody gives a damn. Except some morons like Austin Hunt, who think bullying makes them cool. We've been after each others ass's since kindergarten. I even beat the hell out of him in grade 5. I was about to get expelled but Mrs. Rose put in a good word for me and prevented me from getting kicked from the school. Mrs. Rose is the school counsellor, and she's an absolute sweetheart. Even my personal counsellor is not like her. So, yeah apart from Austin, I pretty much don't know any body. I mean I know almost everybody, but nobody knows me. And there's a difference. Huge one.


The first four periods went fine. Like always, things went through one ear and came out the other. I don't even know how I manage to pass my exams.

Next class was library, my favourite! Not because I read books, of course I loved reading books, but then I devoured only a few. I loved library, as I had all the time in the world to draw. You must be wondering, he draws too? Yes, yes I do.
The human eye fascinates me the most. How can the iris colour vary from person to person? We each have an identity of our own. Biometrics. Another intriguing aspect. But can our identity really be detected? Biometrics is the technology that automatically identifies an individual based on physiological or behavioural characteristics. Well, the most commonly used techniques are fingerprints, iris, signature.
Shoot, I got chatty again. I tend to get chatty about these sorts of things. Science. The most wonderful gift given to mankind. I'm not much of a science student, but some things really tend to get on my nerve. I can't help but imagine how the universe is so big? Or why we are even a part of it? What does our existence mean? Well, I'm sure we're not the only ones in this lonely world. And the one's who are out there are much smarter and wiser. So what's the deal? Why were we sent here? These thoughts often accumulate in my mind. But I fail each time to find answers. Maybe nobody knows them. But somehow my heart aches for these answers! I guess, some answers are better left unsaid.


The rest of the day went by in seconds. English class was quite good. Well, thanks to Mr. Allen for his good mood. He is a very moody person and all. When he's in a bad mood, oh boy, you can literally see black clouds on top of his head. And when he's in a good mood, well, he acts like he's in a good mood. No big deal.
He told us to read The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger. Not that I haven't read it before, but what's the harm in reading about good 'ole Holden once again. I quite like him. Humours chap he is. I sometimes start talking like him. Some even say I'm like him. I don't know if I agree. The thing is, I don't agree with most things.

History, surprisingly was quite interesting too. Right on the first day we were asked to right an essay on Nazism. Stuff about Hitler and the second world war. Piece of cake. I'm quite good in English though. Which I why I pass every year, makes sense. I don't really see the reason behind why we should even study. Do we even use 20% of what we study in our day to day life? No. That's right, we don't.


I wonder how many stars are there. I wonder how many will there ever be. I've tried counting stars many times, but I seem to get stuck at 101, I don't know why. The cool, harsh wind cools down my face and forms Goosebumps in my hand. I often go out to the garden, and lay down in the damp grass at night. The feeling of loneliness and tiredness washes away when I look at stars. They make me feel complete. They make me feel like I'm not alone. I continued watching the stars in mute contemplation, until I finally fell asleep.

Hey guys, oh god, it's the first chapter already!!! This chapter basically gives a description of Dylan. Don't worry, if you got bored or got pissed of with Dylan's tone, we've got a lot of Murph ahead of us.

Aaaah! I'm so excited about this!! I just hope I get support from everyone on this 💕

Song : Yellow, by Coldplay. What better way of starting your story with a Coldplay song? Coldplay is love! love! love!

Character : Dylan Jacobson, played by Andrew Garfield
Andrew Garfield doesn't even need to try to look cute ❤️❤️

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