Chapter 2

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Song: Life of the party
(Wait until I tell you to play the song, it's up at the top)

Serena's POV

Currently 43 minutes into my hour and a half drive, I start to think if I really want to go back to the studio? There was so many, both, good and bad memories made there. I haven't been there in so long for so many different reasons. Even though it's really the only place I can truely be myself.

~30 minutes later~

After long, useless, stressful conversations of talking to myself in my head, I turn on the radio to distract myself. As I turn on the radio, a strumming of guitar is heard at first and then a voice that immediately sent chills throughout my body. It was a boy, he sounds very young compared to most artists. He sounded—different. Different in the best possible way, different like he was something that I've never heard before and I could sit and listen to him sing forever.

Just the way he played, it truly dripped with raw emotion. With my mind being perplexed by what seems, millions of thoughts about this boy, I just stop them all. Listening—paying every attention to the words he's singing, even though the song has just begun I defiantly feel I've grown to like it quite quickly.

(Start the song)

As I drive down the vacant road I listen as the boys soothing voice filled my car. Looking around at my surrounding, it's a really alluring scenery. How the orange and red maple leafs would slowly fall from the trees. As the already fallen leaves would sweep up and dance and twirl in the air as I pass by in my car.

Everything about coming back to the Studio is extremely—overwhelming. Having the boys voice that I still don't know the name of and I'm still dieing to find out along with the name of his song.

As i know I'm getting close to the Studio, I look out at the never ending pasture that surrounds the Studio. Thinking about how my life hasn't been the best. I've only really had one person that has cared about me. And now recently I've been alone.

Mentally I am and have always been a mess. I'm not normal. I read all the time, I have anxiety attacks easily, overwhelmed easily, I recently have had bad depression thoughts and I'm not cared about. I'm alone.

Pushing the thoughts out of my head trying not to overwhelm myself, I
pull into the Studio I suddenly start to get flooded with the past memories. Of meeting famous people when I was younger, of getting to see them work and make music, running around in the pasture with the dog. Most if not all memories here are good. Except from the recent harder times that I will not speak about.

Parking in a hidden driveway on the side, from view of anyone else who passes by. I step out of my car, bringing everything I would use, including my laptop, earphones, journal, Camera, and a bag of clothes to last at least a week that I've always kept in my car. I make my way to the Studio door and slowly put the key and and twist it. Before stepping inside, I slowly and carefully push the door so it's revealing the inside. I stand outside the door debating weather I should do this.

"Am I ready for this?" My thoughts ask me. I shake my head clearing the negative thoughts rushing through my brain, and step inside the place I haven't been in what feels like forever but in reality has only been 3 months.

Walking in setting my stuff down onto the counter and making my way towards the living room. Once stepping foot into the living room ton of memories come flashing back like lighting bolts. Sitting with artists and talking, then telling me there craziest story's, me listening intently not wanting to ever forget a single word. I haven't. I haven't forgotten one single story. That's the one thing I'm truly great at. Remembering things. Memories more specifically. Defiantly going to have to adjust, but always, like it always has been, the atmosphere here just is—safe. Another feeling I barely ever feel anymore.

Looking around the room, still a beautiful design with modern future. I whisper to myself "Let's do this."

(Living room setup)

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(Living room setup)

  Here's chapter 2 for you beauty's, vote and comment and share for the next chapter! I'm really enjoying writing this book so far and I hope it gets far!❤️love you

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