Chapter 5

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Sorry it took me a bit to update but I'll probably be updating a lot more now!! vote for this story and comment for the next update❤️😁


Serena's POV•

After fumbling with the keys to the door I finally got the right key and quickly shoved the door open, throwing myself inside, and gently closing the door making sure to make no noise.

This room. This room is one of the major parts of my childhood. Looking around I see......

~Serena's POV~

Looking around I see the pictures. Pictures that me and him would always take. When we would go out to the secret spot and and stay there for hours. They're pictures of him I don't think I was ready to see.

My eyes start to water just thinking about him. How close we were. How he has always been the only one there for me. I feel a tear fall down my cold cheeks, and place the picture down where it was. I quickly wiped the tear off from my face, not allowing myself to let negativity take over.

I swing my body so it's facing the direction of the door. No. No. No no no no no! I scream to myself in my head. Hearing the sounds of keys rattling in a lock of the studio front door, for the second time I start to panic.

Your kidding me. Your fucking kidding me. "This can't be happening!" I whisper scream to myself. Really someone that I don't even know has to come to the Studio NOW?! Out of all the time in the world! THEY HAVE TO COME NOW!? Mentally freaking out I rush over to one side of the room with a door leading to the one-way mirror.
(A/N: If you don't know what a one-way mirror is, it's a mirror that you can look through in one side, but on the other side it's just a normal mirror👍🏼 And in this story the one-way mirror will be a room that she can look around without anyone seeing her😋ok keep reading)

I quietly open the door to the shaded transparent wall. I take a quick look around the room to only shuffle over to the wall that shows the door through it.

I watch the door as I continue to hear a key rattling in the lock, and frustrated grunts(Ok come on that sounds fucking hot) from what seemed male. After a couple of seconds, the door flings open, and walks in a very attractive, tall brunette. But why? Why that hell is he here? Okay yes, I know, wouldn't every girl want a very attractive, tall guy to be alone with them. Well.... That's not me. I tend to keep things to myself and not hang out with the male population that people consider teenage boys that act like they're over-hormonal 13 year old boys. It's just never been in my favors, I always somehow find a way of messing it up.

The mystery boy, who just decides to show up at my studio, Obviously uninvited, carries a guitar case over to the living room area. I watch him place the guitar down along with a MacBook Air and than he slings a backpack off his shoulders onto the couch, where I was recently sitting.

~Shawn's POV~

I walk over to the door of the studio, trying not to trip on the rocks in the path. After fumbling with my keys, having a hard time finding the right key, I swing the door open, and make a head straight for the living room area.

I place my guitar down on the beautifully made Mahogany wood flooring, and set my computer on the modern glass table then push my backpack off my shoulder into the somewhat messy couch.

I throw myself onto the couch, sinking into it—letting my muscles relax. "God I needed this" I whisper to myself. I let my eyes flutter close and I just listen to the sound of the the air conditioning running and my calm breathing.

After what seem like 5 minutes I was passed out of the couch, still in my clothes from today. Thanking myself for changing into a pair of sweat pants and a sweat shirt. Falling asleep my mind wonders back to being here alone. Now single—heartbroken. Hungry. And utterly lost.

  A/N: So Shawn's now in the studio! And okay the one-way room may be a little confusing. So the one-way room is basically like a secret room that shows the main part of the house. So in the room you can see the Front door, the living room, kitchen, hallway, and the entry way to the Recording studio.👌🏼 ok I just need to get that out of the way❤️❤️ VOTE AND COMMENT FOR NECT UPDATE!❤️ LOVE U

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