Chapter 11

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Serena's POV

It's been 3 days since I've learned Shawn's name and so far it's been pretty....... boring—actually. We've talked here and there, just one of those 'hey I'm going to the store want anything?' type of small talks. But anything other then those brief talks, we haven't actually had a real conversation or interacted together at all in the past 3 days.

I don't know why we haven't talked, either it's just both of us are busy—kind of—I guess. For instance, Shawn will be outside playing his guitar and I'll be in the music room messing around on the piano or reading.

I don't know if he just doesn't want to talk to me, or he just—maybe he—I don't know. I just haven't liked it. But today is just different. Today is— peaceful.

Not like the recent days have been, awkwardly silent, or painfully dull. So currently I am sitting at the kitchen island, savoring the last of the Orange juice, trying to put together why today just feels different that from the recent days.

Interrupting my thinking session i was having with myself, Shawn strides into the kitchen looking joyful as ever.

"What's cooking Seeerrrena?" He says in a cheerful voice while smiling widely at me.

I smile back at him. "What's got you so happy?" I say chuckling halfway through the sentence.

"I don't know but it just feels amazing today." He replies still smiling like a kid on Christmas Day.

He walks over into the living room and grabs his guitar that was resting against the couch. He walks over to me with a big smile, without saying anything he gently grabs my wrist pulling me up from my spot on my chair, and pulling me with him to where ever he was going.

"Oh my god what are you doing?" I laugh happily.

"It's a nice day outside and I heard that it better for the mood to play guitar outside with someone else." He says smiling and I laugh at his fake statement he just made up.

"And who told you that."

"I did!" He laugh excitedly pulling me faster towards the exit of the studio that leads the front pasture.

Once we get outside he lets go of my wrist and runs to a woodentable and climbs on top of the table with his guitar around his body. I walk over to a chair seated in front of the table and sit down looking up at Shawn's tall figure standing on the wooden table.

"How do you feel!?" He says happily in a loud voice from above.

"I feel...." I stop and think for a slight moment. "Happy." I smile. "I feel really happy Shawn."

He smiles down at me.
"I FEEL AMAZING!" Shawn screams to the sky, his voice echoing through the forest that surrounds us, while I continue to laugh at his ecstatic state.

He start strumming chords on his guitar, that soon start to sound vaguely familiar.

As he continues to strum his guitar the memory of me listening to a song on the way here to the Studio.

"I love it when you just don't care.
I love it when you dance like there's nobody there."

Oh my god. I look up at Shawn with a both shocked and confused look. He didn't notice me staring at him, because of him having his eyes closed while singing.

"We don't care what them people say.
We don't have to be ordinary.
Make your best mistakes."

No. way.

This. Is the guy that was on the radio. The guy that completely took over my head instantly. I think in my head.

"We don't have the time to be sorry.
So baby be the life of the party."

Shawn opens his eyes and looks at me smiling like no tomorrow. Once he notices my confusing he messes up on a chord and stops singing.

"What?" Shawn says confused in a worried voice.

I keep staring at him, wondering how I couldn't have realized that he's Shawn Mendes.

The Shawn Mendes. The boy who the person I loved the most, always talked about him in the best possible way. The boy who they would talk about how young but successful and talented he was. The boy they new he would make it big.

"Serena!?" Shawn yells mostly likely agitated from me not responding and staring.

"What's wrong, if you really think I'm that bad you could have said something when I started." Shawn said looking a little embarrassed.

I shook my head still with a confused look.

"What? No. I—you're—I just." I close my eyes trying to gather myself so I can properly explain this to him.

"Shawn. You—oh my god. Shawn your Shawn Mendes. I don't even need to explain how you sound, cause you know your amazing and everybody else does too." I say as I watch Shawn's confused face switch into a worried look.

"Oh.... you know I'm— I mean? Are— oh god. Really. Okay I love you guys to death. But for real this is past the line. If you were a fan you could've just told me from the beginning." Shawn says rubbing his face with his hand walking down off of the table.

"Um... what?" I ask utterly confused.

"Okay, so I'll sign something, I'll give you a shirt of mine. Just let me have my privacy hun, okay?" He says in a kind but agitated voice.

I stare at Shawn as he stares back at me. Suddenly I begin bursting out in fits of laughter from Shawn thinking i was a deranged fan.

Shawn looks at me confused as ever, slowly backing up probably truly believing I'm insane.

"Sha—" i cut myself off with another laugh.

"Oh sweet baby Jesus. That was the funniest thing ever." I say giggling at my laughing fit that just happened.

"Okay. Shawn. I'm not some deranged fan trying to kidnap you. I just—you— you've been going to this studio for a while now haven't you. And just —I remember hearing conversations about you, and I just don't know how I didn't remember you." I explain.

"Oh my god." He mumbles embarrassingly, he cheeks turning a crimson color as he looks down at the green grass beneath us.

I laugh at his embarrassment. He shakes his head letting out a slight chuckle.

"Don't go assuming things guitar boy." I say arrogantly as I walk past him back into the studio bumping his shoulder on the way by.

Thiiiiiiiisss sucked. :(( IM SORRY ITS TAKING ME FOREVER TO UPDATE! Just be patient with me guys okay, I promise the chapters will get better and more excited soon! Love you guys! Vote and comment!!!

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