Chapter 8

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Sorry it's been like 8000000 years since I updated!😣 BUT IM HERE NOW!! LIKE AND COMMENT PLEEEAASEE FOR MORE!!

•Serena's POV•

After what felt like forever, of just staring out myself in the bathroom mirror. I decide to grow some balls and talk with him. And really, it's not that I'm scared to talked to him, it's more kinda of that he just tackled me, caused me to have an anxiety attack, and I still don't know his name.

I open the bathroom door, and step out, closing it back behind me. He must've heard me come out, cause' he pokes his head around the corner and slightly smiles. I make a very smile, forced smile back at him, trying to show that I'm calm down now.

I walk back in the living room, and he starts talking the second I turn to face him.

"Okay, so, to start of with, im so so extremely sorry for tackling you. I honestly can't tell you enough how sorry I am, I feel really bad. Please tell me your okay though." He rambled quickly but clearly.

I answer back in a soft voice.

" I'm o—" I stop for a second. "I'm fine, you didn't hurt me, just startled me a bit."

He lets out a breath, and looks at me relieved and smiles. He seems genuinely very kind. But why is he here?

"Uhh, not in a rude way, but why are you here?" I ask him the question I'm been dieing to know.

"I wan— needed to get away from stuff, a–and just I— my manager told me to come here and work on stuff by myself." He answers, studdering a bit, and makes me a little suspicious thinking he's not telling the entire truth.

I nod, brushing off the fact he might be lieing, which I might end up regretting but I feel like I can just trust him.

"Why are you here." He asks with the same curiosity as I had.

"It's my studio." I say, kind of bluntly, wondering if he was coming here, he should at least know the owner of the place.

"Oh I–i thought someone else owned it..... oh um sorry, I–jus–sorry I–"

I cut him off before he said something I couldn't handle.

"Nope, its mine, its perfectly fine too don't worry about it." I say trying to sound as nice as possible, but actually I wanted to ask  more questions because he must really not know much about the Studio.

We stand in awkward silence for about minute. I was looking at my feet, covered by my plain black socks, and I could feel him staring at me. Before I was about to walk away, he speaks up.

"I know, you still must be pretty confused about me, but I mean, please if I'm bothering you at all, tell me. I'm really not trying to get into your way if your going to be staying."

I look at him for a second, about to respond, but he cuts in before I could.

"And I know tackling someone isn't a perfect way of meeting somebody, so again, I can't tell you how sorry I am about that, and it will nev—" I cut off his rambling.

"Your fine, really, don't worry about it, I'm okay."

He gives me a small smiling, almost thanking me for stopping his rambling, and knowing I'm not mad.

I nod my head, and give a small smile back then head out into the hall, and make my way to the back patio.

Shawn's POV

She turns and heads into the hallway and goes out of my sight. I let out a breath I had no clue I was even holding in. I don't even know her name. Well this has probably been a bad decision. I'm in the Studio for not even a day, and I've tackled a girl I don't know. That's a new one.

Because I was standing in the middle of the living room, I walk over to the couch and pick up my guitar that fell onto the couch. I carefully take my guitar out of its case and sit down on the couch with it on my lap.

I came here to get away. To make something out of what happened. Because of her. Her.

Feeling anger build up inside me, just by the thought of her and what she did. I look at my guitar and start playing random chords. Nothing.

"Fucking nothing." I whisper yell through my clenched teeth in an angry voice.

I stand up and place my guitar on the couch, not really watching were it goes. I start pacing back and force in the living room, running my fingers through my hair–thinking about what she did. What she could have been thinking when she did it. What she thought about it. How she felt.

No. No. No. No. "No. No. No. No. No! No! No!" I angrily scream in my head, and end up saying out loud by the end not realizing I was screaming out loud.

I wouldn't have stopped scream nor even realized I was saying that out loud, if she didn't come running into the room with a panicked look on her face. I face her for a second and then turned around and walk the other way whiling running my fingers through my hair.

"Hey, hey, hey. What's wrong?" She says in a sweet, yet worried voice.

"It—its nothing. Don't worry about it okay." I say in a kind of harsh way, instantly feeling bad for being rude when she was only trying to help.

I look back at her, and she just nods her head looking down.

"Okay, im sorry." She says lowly sounding truly sorry.

I quickly turn guilty for he second time tonight, and shaking my head.

"No. No. No. I'm sorry, I'm just—ah— in a bad spot with someone. And—uh— I'm sorry." I say feeling a huge pit of guilt.

"It's fine. I understand. Completely."

We stand there for a couple seconds, just looking at each other. I was still trying to get a better look at her face, cause her hair always seems to manage to cover a lot of her face. And her, seeming more to be looking behind me, more than at me.

"I'm going to go to bed.... you know where they're at right?" She asks.

I nod my head.
"Yeah, I know where they're at, thank you though." I smile lightly at her, feeling very tired also.

She nods, and heads into the hall way and I hear her go up the stairs, where the master bedroom is.

Okay. Here we go.

I am SO SO SO SO SO SO SOOOO SORRY for not updating in like a month. BUT I HAVE THIS ONE NOW! And ill definitely try to update often now but I hope you enjoyed this chapter and Vote and comment for more!!!!

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