Chapter 18

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shawn's POV
We've been sitting under the stars for about half an hour, no words spoken. The silence not being awkward, but comforting. Our bodies. Side by side. Close together to where our arms are touching.

I turn my head toward her as she continues to stare up at the darkness of twinkling specks.

Her side view being absolutely amazing. She's stunning. No doubt about that. But her being in general. Is exceedingly beautiful

Serena's POV•

I wake up back in the comfort of my queen size bed, confused as to how I got back here. The last thing I remember is looking up the endless sky with Shawn last night at the secret spot. I must've fell asleep while doing so. I chuckle to myself knowing that I slept through Shawn carrying my body all the way back to the studio.

I make my way downstairs, only to be hit by the mouth watering aroma of breakfast. I squint my eyes as I walk into the bright kitchen with all the windows open. Creating a peaceful demeanor.

"Good morning" Shawn chuckles once he noticed my presence.

I only yawn and raise my hand in response, which makes him chuckle again.

"Someone tired after last nights little field trip to the kickass waterfall In the middle of butt fuck no where" Shawn jokes, and smiles as his cursing.

"Shawn! Jesus, did your mother ever put soap in your mouth." I tease right back.
"But yes, exhausted."
He laughs at my playful scolding while he takes the last pancake off the stove and brings the stack over to me.
"But thank you" Shawn says looking a me with a soft smile. I give him a confused face for why was he thanking me.
"For last night, I really needed something like that. It was amazing."

You're amazing. A voice in my head gently said, I blinked, terrified if I even said that out loud but thankfully didn't.

"Thank you too, I haven't been back to that spot in months, I probably wouldn't have been able to go back for a lot longer without you." I look at him with a thankful smile.

As we eat we're both on our phones, with a comfortable silence as we do so. But I feel a small tension also. As thought Shawn is wondering something.

As I scroll through my Instagram feed, In my peripheral vision I see Shawn gaze towards me for a slight moment as if he has something to say.

Just as I was about to speak up and ask him, he beats me too it.

"I've been meaning to ask this..." he states in more of a curious tone.

Thoughts go through my brain, thinking of what possibilities it could be. The bathroom breakdown. Why I brought him there last night. If I know how to restate the alphabet backwards? IM NOT SURE.

I give him a longing look, telling him he has my full attention, waiting for him to finish his sentence.

"And I'm not trying to invade your privacy or anything, cause I realize it seems to be a hard subject."

Oh no

"But who's the person who passed away recently? The one you mentioned yesterday, that helped you build the secret spot."

Oh fuck. Am I ready to talk about this. Do I even want him to know. I barely know the kid. Now am I gonna let him in on the worst chapter of my life.

Thoughts bombard my head as stares at me waiting for an answer. I stare back, completely still. Lost as to what to say.

"Uh-I-uh-" I stutter, not sure if I could even say it.

"My dad...." I say barely audible.

He still looks at me, with his mouth slightly ajar now.

"My dad.... he, uh- p-passed away— about 3 months ago. He owned this studio, then when he–uh died, I got ownership of it." I let out in an almost emotionless tone.

"Oh fuck. Serena. I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have asked I didn't—"

"It's fine. For real. I'm still obviously a mess about it but it's okay, you didn't know." I cut his rushed words off to reassure him.

"It's okay, you're fine."
I give an assuring smile.

Shawn gets up and moved towards me and before I can say anything, he has his strong arms wrapped around me. His face in the crook of my neck as if I'm comforting him.

It was nice. Really nice. As I hug him back we just stay there. His comforting smell filling my nose, his arms allowing me the feeling of safety... something I haven't been able to feel in a while.

"He really loved you Serena."


HAHA IM BACK BAABESSS AHA!! Holy fuck I've been gone for literally almost a year I am sO fUcking sorry for that too ahah I've been caught up in so much stuff like school, and friends and family just a lot. But here's this update! Finally got to know what the original reason for her return to the studio was now! WOo! But how did Shawn know her dad really loved her?? Hmm? FiNd out Shawn's relationship with her dad in the next chapter heheheh.❤️❤️❤️Like and comment for the next one loves:))

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2018 ⏰

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