Chapter 16

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Shawn's POV•

I let go of my handle door, and turn back around to head towards her direction.

"Uh, yea, one sec!" I say loud enough for her to hear me.

I go back down the stair two at a time and jog back towards the porch door. She's standing at the entrance of the door and I stop a couple feet in front of her.

"Yea?" I say while letting out a breath.

She has a soft smile of her face as her eyes just focus on me and seem to observe me as I stand in my place, hands in my pockets, waiting for her reply.

"Serena..?" I slightly smile at her staring.

She blinks her eyes seeming to snap out of her daze and apologizes.

"I—uh—" she laughs. "Can I show you something?" She asks hesitantly.

I smile "yea I guess" then I chuckle.

"Really... oh! Ok! Uh—uh—just—I'll—" she stammers on.

"Just let me go change real fast." She says as she glances back over what she was in and ran past me like I wasn't even there.

I laughed at her enthusiasm for wanting to show me.

"Shut uppp—!!" She playfully screams while she runs up the stairs.

I only laugh more at the childish tone she used and just shook my head even though she wouldn't be able to see it.

About a minute later I hear the sound of her feet rushing down the steps, and in about a moment I see her rushing my direction. Trying to tie her hair into a high ponytail, and she soon as she messily does that, she grabs my wrists and drags me along back out onto the porch.

"Where are we going exactly?" I lightly laugh.

"You have your phone right?" She questions, completely ignore my question.

"Yeaaa..." I say as I take my phone out of me pocket.

"Great!" She says hurriedly and takes my phone from my hands.

She turns the flashlight on my phone on and starts walking forwards towards the screen door.

As she opens the screen door, holding up the flashlight, she grabs my hand to pull me along.

She walks fast across the field , holding the flashlight towards the ground and raising it occasionally to see if anything is in front of us. Her small hand in my larger hand, pulling me along, gripping harder sometimes as she picks up her pace.

We walk across a field, up a hill, down a hill, through some trees, and until we reach another hill, she jumps.

"Yes! We're here. Right there!" She excitedly claims about the hill.

She lets go of my hand, and starts running up the hill, my hand going cold from the lost contact.

I chuckle and follow her, her being the only source of light I have. I jog to catch up to her pace, my longer legs helping a bit. But as she notices me next to her she laughs and speeds ahead, up the hill.

"Oh no you don't!" I laugh, picking up my pace to catch up to her once again.

I see her figure stopping reaching the top of the hill, a good 4 feet ahead of me.

"What's the big deal anyway, it's a hill, I mea—n. Woahhh—" I begin to question, only before my eyes see what she was exited about.

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