Chapter 4, Love, Alya

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Alya's POV: -Earlier that day

When Alya had gotten to school in the morning, she walked in, looking around automatically for Marinette-not really expecting her to be there that early.

So, she saw Nino with Adrien, and smiling at her boyfriend, walked over to him and his friend.

'Hey, have you seen Mari yet?' she asked them.

The two boys shook their heads in unison, and Nino smirked slightly. Puzzled, Alya dismissed it.

'Do you wanna go to class?' Nino asked after a short moment.

'Sure,' Alya and Adrien said, almost at the same time.

Alya was followed by the boys as she walked to the classroom, and to her normal seat.

Then suddenly, she noticed Nino was still following her.

She stopped and turned around, 'Why are you following me? Don't you sit next to Adrien?'

Nino shrugged, 'Change of scenery,' he said simply.

Alya opened her mouth to press for more, when he gestured half-impatiently for her to keep moving. So she kept walking to her side of the desks, and sat down, slightly annoyed at the lack of explanation.

Just as she was about to begin pressing for information, she felt her phone buzzing, and opened it to see Nino texting her:

Nino: Sorry, Adrien wanted me to sit next to you.

Alya: Lol, why?

Nino: Um, I'm not really supposed to say...


Nino: *doesn't reply*

Alya nudged him in the shoulder and he sighed, giving in and began to text:

Nino: Adrien says he likes Marinette, so I offered for me to sit next to you, so that he could sit next to Mari today.

Nino: There. Done.


Alya: Okay...fine!

But Alya couldn't help the smile that spread over her face and she couldn't stop her massive, wicked grin.

All the other students started filing into the classroom, and taking their usual seats as the bell started to ring.

Alya texted Nino quickly:

Alya: Mari's still not here. I hope she gets here quick...

Nino: It's okay. She'll be here. She's just late like she alwa

Alya looked at the incomplete message and frowned in bemusement.
Then she looked to her side, to Nino and saw him looking down the hallway.

Alya looked down it too just as she started hearing the frantic footsteps of what was most likely her late friend.

The teacher called out 'Marinette?' just as her friend came bursting through the door dramatically and called 'Here!'

The teacher looked up, frowning. 'Nice of you to join us Marinette, take a seat please,' she said, gesturing with her head to the desks laid out before her.

Then suddenly, Alya noticed that Marinette looked...different. SHE HAS HER HAIR DOWN OH MY GOD!!! SHE'S SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!! Alya screamed in her head, and then smirked widely when she looked down and saw Adrien staring at her friend, with her hair waving out long and beautiful behind her, completely dumb-struck.

Marinette looked around the room at all the desks, of which were all full except the one next to Adrien. Adrien, having appeared to be back to normal -relatively- was smiling at her, bushing madly.

Alya was watching with a smirk on her face as Marinette realised the seat next to him was her only option, and made her way timidly towards the boy who she loved so much, and had no idea that he loved her in return as much as she always hoped he had. Alya sighed without sound and she fixed a smirk on her face and started typing a message to her friend:

Alya: Good morning. Wanna make it any closer next time girl?

Alya noticed Adrien shifting slightly to see Mari's phone, but Marinette hadn't seemed to notice, as she continued:

Marinette: Yeah, sorry. I slept in.

Alya: Like always. Girl, what do you even do that makes you so tired?

Marinette looked up from her phone briefly, dazed and deep in thought.

Marinette: No idea...

Alya frowned and narrowed her eyes slightly, but shrugged it off after a moment and texted:

Alya: Okay girl, but you gotta do something about it.

Marinette: Okay. ;)

Alya: ;)

Alya could see Marinette start to put away her phone and she typed furiously.

Alya: By the way, nice hair Girl. Adrien seems to think so too. xD

'What?' Marinette said out loud, confused.

Alya couldn't stop the laughter that forced its way out of her. Though mercifully, she managed to stay silent.

She could see Adrien blushing a bright red -as much as he tried to hide it- and that made her laugh even harder; she couldn't breathe.

The teacher, after giving her a disapproving stare, noticed the phone in Mari's hand, walked over to her and took it from her before she could put it back to sleep.

'"By the way, nice hair Girl. Adrien seems to think so too,"' she read out slowly and unkindly.

Adrien was blushing even more madly and the class started laughing, joining Alya.

When the laughing had finally died down, the teacher spoke, 'Your dramas can be taken somewhere else, please.' And she walked to the front of the classroom, putting Marinette's phone into her desk, and resuming her lecture.

Alya watched her two friends in front of her, each playing their embarrassment differently, and both fully unaware of their love for each other.

One day...

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