3. After school

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Marks POV

It's lunch time and I have no idea where to sit, until I see Jack in a corner by himself. I frown then walk over to him.  "What's wrong", I asked. "Nothing's wrong, I always sit by myself", he answered. "Oh. Well I'll sit with you if that's okay?", I said.  "S-sure that'd be great!", he said excitedly.

Jack's POV

Mark asked to sit with me at lunch, obviously I said yes because I sit with no one else. "So how do you like this school so far?", I asked. "It's pretty good", he replied.  It was an awkward lunch because we didn't really talk because there was nothing to talk about.  He was so beautiful. I watched him, secretively, as he ate catching glimpses of him looking back at me. Maybe he did like me...

The bell rang, that meant lunch was over. Mark and I parted to our separate ways to go to 6th period until the boy stopped me.  "Who the fuck does your boyfriend think he is", he yelled.  "H-he's not my b-boyfriend", I said shyly trying to back away.  "Whoever he is, tell him to step the fuck down or I'll make him", he retorted as he punched my face.  I ran to 6th period.  To my surprise Mark was in the same class as me so I sat next to him.

Mark's POV

Jack walked into the 6th period class, "we're in the same class?", I thought to myself. He came over and sat next to me, he was awfully quiet.  "Jack, what's wrong?", I asked him.  "N-nothing", he stuttered.  I knew there was something wrong by the way he talked and looked, his glasses were broken. "Jack why are your glasses broken", I asked him sternly.  "I dropped them", he said turning to me revealing a bruise on his face.  "Jack, what the fuck happened", I said caressing his face. "The boy p-punched in the f-face", he said shaking.  I will protect Jack if it's the last thing I do.

Jack's POV

He caressed my face where the boy had punched me, his hands were warm and soft, I leaned into it. Then the teacher walked into the room and introduced himself very loudly cause me to jump a little. "My name is Mr.Ives, I am your science teacher for this year, I am a very nice man unless you make me angry", he said in a stern but kind voice. I looked at Mark, he was looking at me, again, he blushed and looked away. I felt the corner of my lips curl into a smile. "We won't be doing any work today, we will be learning about each other so who would like to go first?", Mr.Ives asked. No one raised their hand. "Okay I guess I'll call on someone, uhhhh you with the red hair in the back". He pointed at Mark, he turned red. "Well uh, I moved here from Korea and I enjoy video games and YouTube", said Mark to the class. Whoa, he likes YouTube and video games?! I really do like him now.

Mark's POV

I told my class how I moved here from Korea and what I liked, it was embarrassing. I sat down then Jack volunteered to go. "I moved different schools two years ago and I also like video games and YouTube", he said. He like the same things I liked. I think I like him, more than just friends. Then he sat back down, looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. The rest of The class went and I just stared at Jack, he was so cute with his green hair and him being shy.

The day went fast and school ended. I rode the bus home with Jack to my house. I rent an apartment so I live on my own. I got off the bus and went inside, got a snack, and changed into dark colored clothes.

Jack's POV

After I got home after the first day I went into my room and got changed into more comfortable clothes. I went back downstairs and Malcolm and dad asked me how my first day was. "It was good, I met a guy we became friends", I replied. "Well that's good, go upstairs and get your homework done and come downstairs for dinner in a hour", dad said.

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