16. Cherries

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Mark's POV

I cuddled the small boy to my bare chest, stroking his soft, green hair.  He smelled so good. I gave him one more big hug and got up.  "Where are you going", Jack asked.  "Driving you to the airport silly", I replied back.  Jack smiled quickly then it faded, "I'm going to miss you Mark", the frail boy said, holding back a sob.  "I'll miss you too Jack, but we can text and skype everyday, I promise", I said, starting to shake a little.  I felt tears stoning my eyes as they rolled down cheek, blurring my vision.  Jack quickly stood up walked over and hugged me.  Just two boys crying and hugging.

Jack's POV

"Well, w-we better get G-going now, if we w-want to make it t-to the a-airport", I said between sobs.  "Okay kitten", Mark said, wiping my cheeks with his thumbs.  I grabbed Mark's hand and lead him out the door to my car.  "Should we get food first", I asked.   Mark nodded vigorously, meaning he was probably hungry.  We pulled into a Wendy's drive-thru.  I ordered first, then Mark.

I pulled into a parking space so we could eat before I had to go.  "The one thing I'll miss more than you is....this food", I said, finding hard to breathe because of how fast I was scarfing down my food.   Mark playfully punched me in the arm and we both laughed until we couldn't breathe.  "Oh Sean, I'll miss you and your humor", Mark said looking out the window.  It was a beautiful sunny day, except when I saw a tear roll down his face, I could've sworn that the world was raining, thunder and lightening.  But it was still sunny outside.  I grabbed Mark's face and pulled him in for a kiss, wiping the tears off his face, "don't worry baby, I'll be back soon".    Mark nodded, motioning toward the clock, I'm almost late for my flight.

Mark's POV

Jack sped to the airport, it's a wonder we didn't get caught. But he made it on time to his flight, that's all that matters right? "I love you Jack, have fun be safe", I said. "Love you too daddy", he said as he hugged my chest. "Kitten, promise me you'll text me and skype me while you're gone". "I promise", Sean said as he walked away with his suitcases to his flight. Tears rolled down my face at this sight. My boyfriend is leaving for the month, what will I do while he's gone? I sighed as I walked away, still crying. Then I realized that I have no way home. Good thing I had money to hail a taxi. I walked to the nearest road and hailed a cab. My face still red and puffy from the tears that I shed back at the airport.

The driver dropped me off at my house, I waved then walked up to my front door. I shoved my hand in my pocket searching for the keys.  I grabbed them then unlocked my door to the fresh smell of cherries. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2016 ⏰

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