11. The Wake Up Call

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Jack's POV

I looked down to see Mark's hand caressing my hand.  I looked at him as his eyes fluttered open, could this really be happening, is he finally awake after what felt like forever?  "M-mark you're a-awake", I stuttered, completely shocked.  Mark smiled at me as he asked, "How long have i been out?".  "Only a day", I told him a little too excitedly, "But, I'm so happy you're finally awake, we were all worried sick that you, well.. um, might die".  His eyes widened.  "S-sorry, i didn't mean to startle you like that, the thing is that you're awake and you happy and breathing", I said.  His startled face slowly eased into a faint smile.  As soon as he woke up, his body was more lively, it was such a beautiful thing, a once so lifeless body transforming into to such a lively
body.  His almond shaped, coffee colored eyes are so breathtaking. 

Mark's POV

I woke up seeing Jack crying over what seemed to be a hospital bed.  Was I in a hospital?  Why?  "Jack, how long have I been here?", I asked.  He said I've been here only a day.  What happened?  "Jack, why am I here?', I asked him.  "You don't remember?', i shook my head, "well, you were in a car crash a drunk driver swerved into your lane and hit you head on".  I could tell that I was making a face because Jack looked at me concerned.  I looked up after what felt like hours, even though it was only a couple of minutes, his beautiful blue eyes, like the ocean, all red and puffy from him crying.  "I love you so much Mark, I'm so happy that you're finally awake", he told me lovingly, as he smiled through the tears.  I looked down at our hands that were intertwined, he had the ring on.  He looked like a disheveled mess.  "I love you too Jack', I said as the doctor walked in.  "OK, so, I have good news and bad news, which do you want first?', he asked.  Jack and i both nodded agreeing on getting the bad news first then the good news.  "The bad news", Jack said bravely.  "Mark does have some severe damage to his ribs and brain, but he will have surgery tomorrow, good news: he will okay and should released a week after the surgery to make sure everything went well, and if it did then he would go home.  But, he would have to do some physical therapy for his body to get used to his muscles moving.  Jack and I nodded our heads in response to the doctor.  He told us that he would tell our family's the news, then he left and shut the door.  Jack started crying, again.      

Jack's POV

He would be okay, thank you god, thank you so much.  I started to sob because of the good news that he would be fine.  It was such a good thing to hear after everything had been so bad for the past week.  So this was good news, he would be okay.  After a couple of minutes his and my parents burst through the door coming to hug Mark and hold him and cry tears of joy because... he would be okay.  I loved Mark so much from head to toe.  His gorgeous floppy red hair with a dark chocolate side shave.  His beautiful coffee colored eyes, the shape of almonds.  his cute little button of a nose.  His lips.....oh, his lips.  They were so pink and luscious, such a full shape, they were so soft and supple, they were great for kissing also.  His body, it was so muscular, so so muscular, it was so hot.  Just him in general could make anyone's jaw drop.  He was so breathtaking.  You don't even realize it until he's talking to you, with his deep voice that was so sensual.  He was just.........perfect.  At least he was in my book.



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