9. Out of the closet

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Mark's POV

I've dressed in my dark clothes yet once again.  I walked to Jack's house and looked inside. He wasn't there.  Where could he have went, wait, he told me earlier that he needed to go to Game Stop could he be on his way there?  I started walking to Game Stop and found him on the sidewalk about to go in the store. I kept my distance from him, wanting to watch his every move to make sure he talked to no one else except me. He went into the store I hid behind a bush and watched through the window.  He was buying a few games to show me when we hang out.  He went to the cash register and a girl was working, I watched her very closely.  She started to just casually chat with him then she started touching him.  That's not gonna happen, I walked into the store.  "Oh, hey Mark", Jack said blushing.  "Hey, can I talk to you for a moment outside?", I asked the cashier.  "Yeah, sure". We walked out the door and behind the building, I gripped my knife that was in my pocket.  "So what's up", she asked obviously annoyed.  "That boy in there with the green hair, he's mine", I said lunging at her with my knife and stabbing her in the chest, she died immediately.  I was covered in blood.  I turned around hoping that no one had saw what I just did. But there was Jack, standing there with his mouth wide open.  I walked up to him and tried to explain. "J-Jack I love you and I can't have anybody else messing with yo-", he cut me off by kissing me roughly.  I was confused for a moment before he said, "that was so hot". 

Jack's POV

I kissed him knowing why he'd done it, "that was so hot", I said.  Mark was confused for a second then slowly a devious smile spread across his face.  "I love you Mark", but why were you here at Game Stop?".  "I-I wanted to, uh, see what this place was, uh, like", he stuttered.  "Oh, well I got some games for the next time we hang out", I told him. "That's good, I'm excited, well I'll be on my way home now", he said. "Okay bye, see you tomorrow", I said as I waved goodbye. 

Mark's POV

I wasn't going home, I was going back to his place to stare in his windows and see what he was doing tonight.  I took a different route so he didn't know I was stalking him. I arrived at his house shortly after he did. I climbed up to the window again, it was slightly opened. He was sitting there with his dad, I listened in on there conversation.

Jack's POV

I was sitting on my bed with my dad about to tell him.  "So what do you need to talk about", dad asked curiously. "So, um, after I tell you this please promise me that you'll love me for who I am", I said shyly. "I promise, he said. "....im G-gay", I said quietly.  "Son...that's great, im so proud of you for being able to tell me this, why would I love you any less?", he asked me.  "Well, I guess I thought that you wouldn't accept me for being gay", I said.  "That's nonsense I love you son".  "I love you too dad".  We hugged and I was so happy and I told him all about Mark and even showed him my ring and told him we were dating.  He was so happy for me and I couldn't be any happier.

Mark's POV

I was listening and he came out of the closet to his dad.  I was so proud of him.  It took everything in me not to jump through the window and hug them both.  I decided to start to head home for the night. I would see him tomorrow anyway because we have school.  I couldn't wait until I get to see him tomorrow. 

Jack's POV

"Do you mind if I go on a walk?", I asked dad.  "Not at all but be back before midnight", he said. I nodded and put on a jacket and started walking down the street.  I walked to Mark's house and did what I did every other night I stood there and took pictures of his house, looked through his Windows, and followed him.

Mark's POV

I got home.  I heard a noise outside like someone was walking around outside. I looked out the window and saw a figure. He had...green hair? Jack? Has he been stalking me the whole time I have been stalking him?

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